Back In New York

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Lyra blinked as she came to an alleyway with the rest of her team. (Tony, Steve, Banner, and Scott). Her traveling suit slowly faded to her leather armor and she felt her knives under her sleeves as she looked around.

Cars were flipped over, buildings looked grumbled, and glass littered the streets.

"Alright," Steve said as they all turned to him.

Lyra's eyes flashed as there was a loud band and pieces of metal clattered around them. "Yeah, this is right," Lyra said.

Which means Leema is here, and Loiki, Lea, and Loila.

Lyra snapped back into reality when Steve called her name.

"Yes Captain?" she said jokingly.

He ignored her joking tone and said, "You're going with Tony and Banner."

"Got it, because this isn't like the hundredth time you've told me," Lyra rolled her blue eyes.

"You're starting to sound like Leema," Tony said half heartedly.

Lyra immediately stopped and glared at him. "No. No one will ever be like Leema. There is only one Leema, and we need her."

"Which is why we shouldn't go get a seven-eight year old version of Leema, or an evil Loki, a dead Lea, or Loila," Tony said.

Lyra flinched in shock. How had he known her plan to bring the others back with them instead of trying to get the stone?

"We all want them back, but that's what we're doing now, can I trust you to help us, Lyra?" Steve said.

Lyra hesitated. "Yes. Yes you can."

* * *

"NOPE. No you can not," Lyra said besides Tony as they looked around a wall in the beat up Avengers Facility.

The whole team stood with Loki, Loila, and past Lyra chained and muzzled.

Loki seemed sad with grief as he stared at the body of a woman who was dead. She looked peaceful - like she was sleeping - but it was Lea. And Lea was dead, not asleep.

Lyra gazed at Loki. "I-I can't do this...," Lyra choked.

Tony blinked. "Lyra..., the Loki you know is dead. He's not coming back."

Lyra nodded glumly. "I know."

"Then help us bring everyone else back, including his daughter," Tony said.

"Yeah, okay." Lyra closed her eyes and her form changed steadily. She blinked open her eyes. She had turned into a small black mouse with blue eyes.

She scurried up onto Tony's shoulder and watched carefully.

"That suit did nothing for your ass, Rogers," Tony said.

Lyra followed his gaze to 'Captain America's Ass.' She smiled.

"No one asked you to look, Tony," Lyra heard Steve reply through the static ear phone.

"You're ass is fine," Scott said.

Lyra's eyes widened. She looked on Tony's shoulder to - barely - see Scott.

"As far as I'm concerned that's America's ass," Scott said with a salute.

Lyra would've laughed, had she not been a mouse at the moment.

"Oh, here we go," Tony said.

"Flick me!" Scott said.

Lyra quickly scurried down Tony as Scott was flicked away. She slowly changed form into a spider. No one would notice her - she hoped.

She scurried towards the ccase with the tesseract as it was picked up and leaped on it changing, yet again, into a mouse.

Lyra shrunk in her fur, hiding in the crook of the handle as the elevator door closed.

Loki, Loila, and herself all had their backs to her. She stared at Loki.

Oh Loki..., Lyra thought painfully. She spent the rest of the trip watching him in till - what seemed like forever - the elevator door clicked open.

Lyra held on as best she could as the past Tony walked with the case, the crew behind him.

Pat Lyra looked bored and agitated, flashing her blue eyes at a guard. My blue eyes, Lyra thought. My had she changed over the past year

Loila looked sad as a couple officers passed with Lea's body, no doubt blaming herself as everyone else had.

Lyra turned her focus back on Tony and the group as suited men halted them.

"Are you sure this won't kill you?" Scott asked through the ear phone, talking to Tony.

"It shouldn't. Only cause a -" blah, blah, blah. Lyra didn't care to listen to his scientific explanation.

"Okay then," Scott said and suddenly Tony choked and buckled, dropping the case.

Lyra leaped and skidded on the floor, still a mouse, as the case fell. While everyone was distracted Lyra quickly turned into a shaggy black dog with a security vest and blue eyes, kicking the case to Tony as Scott leaped on her back.

She only knew he was on because it felt like she had a flea on her ear and he whispered, "I'm on."

Loki looked at her in surprise. Past Lyra was looking out the window still and Loila looked shocked.

Lyra ignored them and quickly trotted after Tony when the door to the stairs burst open and an angry Hulk smashed through, flinging the back.

Lyra fell, returning to her normal form, her blue eyes flashing with fear that she would be seen.

But that was the least of her worries at the moment. She blinked and saw Loki suddenly grab the tesseract that had skidded to a stop at his foot.

"NOO!" Lyra lunged forward and then she was gone, disappearing with him.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now