The Not So Friendly Aunt

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Leema looked at the building that was being smashed to pieces in front of them.

"I swear I left him right here," Loki said.

"You mean right here on the sidewalk? Or in the building that's being demolished?"

"How could I know? I'm not a witch," Loki replied, his arms crossed.

"No? Then why did you dress like one?" Loila said angrily.


Loki was wearing an all black suit, Thor a shirt and pants with an umbrella that was secretly his hammer, Leema a black t-shirt and jeans, Loila a red dress, Rinolo a white suit, Ingrid a hoodie and a skirt, and Lyra a blue dress.

Leema watched as Thor snapped a picture with some girls and Leema rolled her eyes.

"I dumped her. It was a mutual dumping," Thor was saying as Loki patted his back.

Suddenly a yellow circle of sparks was swirling around Loki, Rinolo, and Lyra. Leema looked at them.

"Loki...," Thor said warningly.

"This isn't me...." Loki said before he yelped and disappeared. Rinolo shouted and fell too as did Lyra. In Loki's place was a simple card.

"Loki?" Thor tapped it with his umbrella.

Loila smiled as if she knew exactly who had done this and Leema wondered if it had been her. Ingrid shifted her wings. Leema picked up the guard and saw an address: 177a Blanchard St. Leema teleported them instantly.

Thor knocked on the door and suddenly they were inside. Leema stumbled. Loila smiled as she saw a strange person float towards them.

"You can put the umbrella down," he said slowly.

Thor looked at his umbrella then set it in the rack.

"Strange, It's good to see you," Loila said with a smile.

Suddenly they were sitting down in chairs in front of the one Loila called Strange. He wore a red cape, and had a weird necklace on.

Loila smiled.


Leema's eyes widened as a cup of tea appeared in each of their hands.

"I don't drink tea." Thor said slowly.

"Me neither," Leema added.

Ingrid nodded in agreement while Loila sipped on her tea.

"Hmm, what do you drink?" he asked.

"Not tea," Thor responded, shaking his head.

Leema smiled as the tea in her hand was replaced with a cup of apple juice, Thor's a jug of beer, and Ingrid's a glass of red wine.

"So earth has wizards now," Thor said before drinking a sip of his beer.

"I'm Dr. Steven Strange and I keep a watch of the beings that are dangerous to earth. Loki, Lyra, and Rinolo have to be on that list. Tell me, why bring them here?"

"We're trying to find my father."

"Odin? So, if I tell you where he is, will he go?" Dr. Strange asked.

Leema watched as if this was a movie, sipping on her apple juice which kept refilling.

"Yes," Thor replied as his beer refilled. "Wait, if you knew where he was, why didn't you call me?"

"Your father was very clear he wanted to remain undisturbed, and you don't have a phone."

"No, but you couldn't send an electronic message? It's called an email," Thor said matter of factly.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now