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Lyra looked up at the sky. Sure enough the thunder boomed above. She had been in the grocery store when the storm began. Lyra watched as she saw Captain America tumble in. She glanced right at him then bolted, his shield slamming into a shelf as she ran by.

People shouted and screamed as she ran, her normal clothes dispersing into her normal outfit that looked like Loki's except with blue, one of her daggers in both of her hands. She let her eyes begin to flash from dark blue to light blue to trick her opponents as her cape and hood flew behind her.

Lyra made many images of herself, trying to confuse the captain, but each one he saw he sent his shield through. Lyra raced to the back of the store and leaped up to the ceiling, swinging herself up into the rafters of the store. She raced forward only ducking the captain's shield just before it hit her.

Lyra looked up and jumped up into the roof window but she bounced off as she figured out it was plastic. "Shit!" She yelled. Her only exit was the front entrance where Natasha and Cap were.

"Loki's gonna owe me for this," Lyra grumbled as she raced across the rafters and sent many images along with her, each leaping to different places. Lyra leaped down herself, leaving one image still running across the rafters.

This, Cap assumed was the real Lyra and immediately trailed her image from under. Lyra knew Thor and Iron Man were out there somewhere, but she had to take the risk. She shoved out the door, bolting into the street. She dropped and rolled as a blast of light went past her.

She looked up to see Iron Man.

"Hello Lyra," he said, lifting his hand up once more.

Lyra hit the ground as thunder raged above her. "This much for me? Aw you guys are so sweet." Lyra hissed and got stuck in hand to hand combat with Clint.

"We haven't met, name's Clint."

"I don't give a damn," Lyra spat back as she got stuck fighting him, hearing Mr. Stark say, "I can't get a clear shot."

At this point Lyra's images in the store had all disappeared and Cap was racing out. Natasha was in a copter above with Dr. Banner. Cap was racing toward them and this time Lyra muttered, "Haven't used this trick in a while."

Lyra knocked Clint away and whistled. Lyra ran and whistled once more as they chased after her. "Come on! I know I'm not Lea but give me a chance!"

The sun seemed to get brighter and then there was a flash and suddenly a white pegasus in silver armor was flying down faster than the wind itself, at least that's what it seemed.

"Yes! You son of a gun!" Lyra shouted happily and jumped up as she did the pegasus flipped over on his back and just as she caught his reins he flipped back over right side up. "Good boy Silv, Lea would've been proud."

A light beam shot at them as Silv dived, avoiding it just in time.

"Alright, you're doing great, but this is not over yet," she said looking back as the copter, Iron Man, and now making an appearance, Thor, flew after her. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to be S.H.I.E.L.D.'s test subject today."

Lyra stood up on Silv's saddle and flung a dagger at Iron Man who avoided it. She looked over her shoulder and sat back down, crouching as Silv flew around a tight corner. "Well, guess I have to use all my tricks."

Lyra sat up and her whole eye went a white blue as more of Lyra and Silv flew off in different directions. Silv dived, flying close to the ground to keep hidden. Lyra looked back and all seemed good. "Yes!" She screamed and looked back only to see a flash of light and be knocked off, tumbling into the ground as she flew back, causing the sidewalk to break.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now