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Six Years Later....

Down by the river where the sun glowed and the trees swayed near the Avengers Facility two young children giggled as they chased each other. Lily Stark watched them from the river. She had grown taller, and was now fifteen years old.

Lily had grown tall and her hair was tied in a high pony tail.

The five year old boy being chased by the three year old girl was tall and lean. His silky, raven black hair brushed into his dark blue eyes as he ran. He wore a simple pair of black trousers and a simple black-t shirt with black Nike's. But, the odd thing about him was that he had wings, with primary feathers of black and secondary feathers of grey, producing from his back.

The young girl had dark eyes that twinkled, and dark brown hair that fell in waves down her back and over her wings of feathers that were different shades of brown. She giggled as she opened her wings and flapped once.

Not knowing her own strength yet, she propelled into her brother, causing them both to fall to the ground in a lump of feather and with a 'mph.'

"Get off your brother, Lea!" Rinolo shouted as he approached them with Leema at his side.

They both looked older.

Leema had grown in height, now at her brother's shoulder. Her long black hair had been cut to just below her breasts, and her emerald green eyes shown with a sad yet happy twinkle as she gazed at Lea. 

Rinolo had that dad look and feel about him now. He looked proud, with his shoulders back and a grin slapped onto his face.

"Aww, I still caught him tho!" Lea complained as she got up, rustling her feathers so the leaves fell from them.

Lily smiled from the river as she walked over to Leema who was now 27 and still was like a sister to Lily.

The young boy stood and ruffled his own. "You cheated! You used your wings!" he complained.

"Did not."

"Did too!"

"Did not!"



"Hey!" Rinolo interrupted their fight and smiled as he said, "Look who's here." He turned out of the way, and immediately the two children screeched and bundled into Leema, who fell with them.

"Auntie Leema!" they screeched.

Leema laughed from where she was on the ground with them and smiled. "Hello little trouble makers."

"Indigo Rinoloson and Lea Rinolosdottir! Get off your Aunt right this instant!" Ingrid said over the gust of wind that brushed them all as she flapped down and landed on the ground before them.

The kids scrambled off Leema immediately. "Sorry ma!" 

Leema smiled and said, "It's perfectly fine, and guess who else is here? Your Grandfather!"

"I said stop calling me that," Loki argued as he stepped from the trees and up beside her.

Rinolo watched him carefully. Even after six years he did not trust Loki...yet. Loki was always watching Lea with interest and Rinolo had an uneasy feeling.

Leema smirked, saying nothing.

"Leema! Leema!" the kids shouted, jumping up and down.

"What? What?" Leema replied with a smile.

"Can we see Nazhagal!?" 

"Well, I don't see why not," Leema replied. Her eyes went pitch black and her veins did as well as she summoned the shadow.

Nazhagal's form grew into a wolf and his red eyes glowed as he looked at the children. His eyes were focused on Lea.

"Nazhagal!" Indigo yelled and scrambled over, hugging the shadow wolf.

Rinolo glanced at Nazhagal and Lea. They were both watching each other intently.

"It can't be...," Nazhagal muttered.

"What?" Leema asked, still in her minor shadow form.

Nazhagal shook his head and looked at her. "Nothing, my lady."

Leema's eyes narrowed but she nodded. Nazhagal disappeared, as did her shadow eyes and veins.

Loki and Leema exchanged a look then looked at Lea.

Lea's wings shifted uncomfortably and she looked away. "Let's go eat, ma!"

Ingrid smiled and reached out her hands. The kids took them. Ingrid led them away with a smile plastered on her face. The smile of a mother.

Lily glanced at Leema then quickly followed, her glasses glowing from where she spoke to them, probably playing with the new tech she made like always.

Rinolo stayed, wondering what these 'glances' are about.

He gazed at them with a brow quirked. "Well?"

Loki and Leema stared at each other intently and Rinolo had to remind him self that they could talk telepathically. 

"Nothing," they said in sync. 

They turned back to Rinolo.

Rinolo shook his head, not believing them for one second and sighed, walking away.

Leema glanced at her father and said, "Something's up with Nazhagal."

Loki shook his head and said, "The family is growing. We are at peace and that's all we need Leema."

Leema watched him go and sighed, her last thought before she went to join them was: We're at peace, yes. But peace lasts only so long before destruction comes....

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now