The Past Loki

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Leema screeched then grunted as she hit the floor of some kind. Leema groaned as pain split up her ankle. She pulled herself to her feet and gazed at the Past Loki standing near her.

OH MY GOD, she thought as she gazed around the room that she had once stayed in when her father had kidnapped her the first time. Shit! Shit! Shit! Leema glanced at the Past Loki who now gazed at Leema from across the room...right by the door.

Leema ran at him and he looked prepared, but boy was he not prepared when she kicked him right in the...well the most painful spot you boys can think of.

Loki went to the ground and Leema raced past him, down the long hall she remembered and out the door. She slammed it shut behind her and raced away.

Alright, where is the portal thingy Jane, Thor, and I used last time I was here? Leema thought as she gazed around the trees and sand dunes. She bolted in a random direction, but immediately crashed into a solid wall of sharp muscle.

Leema fell to her butt with a 'umph' and gazed up at her Past Father.

He sighed heavily and grabbed her wrist, dragging her back towards the house. "That was a very nasty trick, Leeema."

Leema glared at him furiously. "I don't give a shit, it almost got me away from you!" Leema spat.

Past Loki raised a brow as he half-dragged her down the hall. "Leema, if you keep speaking with a mouth like that I'm going to wash it out with soap."

"You wouldn't dare," Leema said furiously as she was put back into the room with a simple bed, bedside table, and window.

"Would you like to test that theory?" Past Loki asked, smirking as he gazed at her with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You bastard! I don't know how mother was able to deal with you, much less have two children with you," Leema grumbled.

Loki stopped closing the door and his eyes narrowed. "Do not mention your mother right now. You may be familiar with her loss, for you didn't grow up with her as your mother like Rinolo did, and it may have been a while since her death in your time, but in mine she died nearly two weeks ago."

Leema flinched, hearing the anger and pain in his voice.

With that he left, locking the door behind him.

Leema blinked away tears, forcing herself to stay strong. They'll find me. They'll come for me, she thought over and over in till she fell to the clutches of sleep.

Leema blinked awake with a yawn. She gazed around and her eyebrows furrowed. Where the hell am I? It all came flooding back to her in an incident.

Lyra with Widow and Willow. Loki. Past Loki. Being brought here.

Leema groaned and sat up from where she had fallen asleep curled up on the floor.

She gazed around the room and grumbled darkly as she stood. "Why the hell did I choose to be nine again?" she muttered as she stalked towards the door.

She yanked at the handle then growled and she closed her eyes, focusing. She was split from her illusion and the door opened with a click. She left her illusion in her room as she closed the door behind her.

She tiptoed down the hall and then scrambled to the door, throwing it open. She burst out and ran as fast as she could.

Curse my tiny-nine-year-old legs! She thought as she raced away through the trees and then came to a skirting stop at the sand dunes. She looked towards the cave of rocks and raced in that direction.

She closed her eyes once more and breathed in a deep breath. She let the shadows envelop her and leak from her till Nazhagal stood before her.

"Nazhagal, am I glad to see you!" she breathed as she bent over, gasping for air.

Nazhagal tilted his head to the side in his shadowy furry wolf form. "What can I do for you my queen?"

Leema smiled. "I need you to take me to the Land of Shadows," she replied.

"That's not going to happen," Leema's Past Fathers gruff voice said behind her.

Leema swung around on her heels and gazed, wide eyed at her father and his army of illusions behind him.

Nazhagal growled, stepping in front of Leema when he detected Past Loki as a threat. Then, realizing it was Loki Nazhagal stopped his growls and his red eyes were full of confusion as shadows licked at his giant paws.

"He's not my father!" Leema quickly said then slapped her forehead, shaking her head. "I mean he is, he's just my past father and...oh for the love of God! He's an enemy!"

Nazhagal glanced at Leema then snarled, crouching in front of her at Loki.

Leema could tell her energy was being drained the longer she let Nazhagal out, and Loki seemed to know this too.

Nazhagal bared his teeth as the illusions ran forward. He leapt at them all, but they all seemed to disappear and reappear. Leema felt her energy draining faster.

If only I wasn't nine and at my full power! Leema thought as she was forced to her hands and knees, her energy deflating piece by piece.

Seeming to know this, Nazhagal turned to Leema and his growls stopped as he said, "Forgive me my queen, but I can not let your energy be drained or you will die. Please forgive me." With that he disappeared, seeming to be sucked back into Leema's soul.

Leema gasped as she shook and her energy slowly came back, her vision blurry.

Loki sighed and walked over, picking her up in his arms.

Leema didn't have the energy to struggle as her eyes drifted close.

"The more you try to escape, little one, the more you just avoid the inevitable. I am still your father, Leema, and you're staying here with me."

Leema groaned in response as she slowly lost consciousness, her last thought: I got myself in some deep shit.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now