The Black Fog

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Leema spent the next couple days in her room, refusing to leave. She had even refused to move. Tony had flown with her home and dropped her back at the Avengers tower. Angrily, she had rushed right into her room and curled up in a ball under her bed sheets.

Since then she only got up to go to the bathroom and then curled right back up under her bed sheets. A couple of times Steve or Natasha had tried to talk to her. Leema had refused to eat as well and she was growing hungry, but she didn't care.

The door opened and she curled up tighter, squeezing her eyes shut. The sheets were lifted and she looked up to see her uncle. She turned her back to him and shut her eyes again.

"Leema it's time to eat."




Leema stuffed her face in her pillow not really caring that she could barely breathe. If it meant her uncle would leave then it was worth it. He started talking on and on about something, but Leema just lied there in her own silence.

Thor seemed to give up and left the room.

Leema noticed something weird as she looked down at her fingers. Black fog was slowly floating from them. She stared then as she thought of it being gone it disappeared. She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought of it back and it began to leak out again.

Then she looked in her mirror. Her eyes were pure black as well. She yelped and fell off her bed, expecting to thump against the floor she closed her eyes. When she didn't feel any pain she opened her eyes. The black fog was holding her up!

"What is this!?" Leema asked herself. She slowly dropped back down to the floor, letting the black fog disappear. Leema looked back in the mirror. Her eyes had returned to normal while the fog was gone.

Leema stared at the mirror for a long moment then at the glass and at her hands. She glanced at her door. "Uncle Thor!" she called.

Thor bust down the door and Leema looked at him with wide eyes. "What was that for!?"

"Sorry, thought you were in trouble. I'll just put that right back... here." Thor said as he tried to put the door back in place.

"Will you take me to Asgard since I missed my chance?" Leema asked.

"Sure! If it means you'll eat and talk," Thor said.

"Deal." Leema didn't really want to go to Asgard just because she had missed it last time. What she really wanted to do was find her father if she could and perhaps more about the weird events that had just happened to her.

* * *

Leema gripped her uncle's hand as she squeezed her eyes shut. Suddenly, she felt herself flying and she opened her eyes to see stars whirling by. She almost let go of her uncle's hand in amazement.

They hit ground and Leema raced forward, looking around the gold entrance to Asgard. She looked up at the man that stood over her. He was tall and frightening. He wore full gold armor and had a sword in his hand from where he opened and closed the BiFrost.

"You're Heimdall!!" Leema jumped.

"Indeed I am." He dipped his head.

She glanced at him then laughed as she ran forward, stopping in awe. Before her was the rainbow bridge. It was everything she could've imagined and so much more. The water was clean, the trees were a lush green, and the palace was huge and made of gold.

She was about to race forward when a pegasus landed in front of her. She looked at it, her jaw dropping.

"Ah, hello Siv," Thor said as he walked over, patting the pegasus. "This was your mother's pegasus Leema. It can sense your mother's spirit with you. Perhaps it's time you ride him. I'll meet you at the castle."

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