The Other Love

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Leema groaned as she woke. She rubbed her head, then winced, pulling her hand back down by her side.

Leema blinked. Her vision was blurry, but she could make out voices, for she had no problem with her ears. Leema's eyebrows furrowed. Someone was laughing. Someone was definitely laughing. At her?

Leema managed to sit up, propping herself up on her elbow.

She was wrapped around the waist in bandages. She had sticky paste on her wounds, but that didn't stop her.

She made out her father talking to another woman who had long brown hair and bright blue eyes. What the hell? Have you forgotten mother, already? Leema thought crossly.

Leema managed to clear her throat. "Am I interrupting something?"

Their eyes turned to her and Loki smiled.

How dare he smile.

He walked over to Leema and sat down. "Are you alright?"

"I don't know, let me think, no," Leema said flatly.

He smiled. Again.

Now, it was not his normal mischievous smile it was his Oh-My-God-I'm-So-Damn-Happy smile. His Oh-My-God-I'm-So-Damn-Happy smile always freaked her out. Because it was not normal for Loki. AT ALL.

Which means this woman had something to do with it.

"Who are you?" Leema growled then without waiting for an answer turned her eyes back to Loki. "You forget about mother already?"

"Leema, be nice," he said, his smile fading slightly. "This is Sigyn."

Oh gods....

"Okay, and what is she doing here? Mother was easy to forget, huh?" Leema said crossly. Leema knew she wasn't being fair, but who cared. It wasn't like he was fair all the time. He brought this on himself..., acting like a little boy. Eck.

"Sorry, I was only helping with your wounds," Sigyan said quietly.

The nerve! That noise...,ew. That's her voice? You and your little.... Leema was thinking very very dark thoughts. Leema instantly couldn't stand her. She wanted to toss her out the window. Which is probably an understatement. 

"Well, I'm better thank you," Leema said tartly, eyes narrowing.

Loki cast a glare at her. "Stop being rude, Leema."

Leema snorted, but didn't say anything else. She threw the sheets of the bed aside and tried to sit up. Almost instantly her vision went off the rails crazy. The whole room seemed to spin. Leema squeezed her eyes close in pain, refusing to fail in front of this little happy woman.

She forced her eyes open.

"You shouldn't really be-"

"Well, I am," Leema snapped, cutting Sigyan off. Although her vision was still blurry and dizzy she stood up.

Loki grabbed her arm as she stumbled, supporting her. "Leema? You should listen to Sigyan."

Leema still didn't know if she forgave Loki or not, so she yanked her arm away. Thank god this woman had him happy. If he wasn't, he'd probably be having her arm in one of his annoying death grips.

Leema was beginning to wonder if Sigyan had her father high on weird wine (if this planet even had any).

Leema cleared her throat. "Do you have one of those control things?"

"Hm? This?" Sigyan pulled out what looked like a lighter with a button on top.

Leema instantly snatched it. Loki seemed to know this and grabbed her, but she had already pressed the button, and the tiny thing that had been stuck to her neck popped off. Leema held the lighter-looking-thing in her grasp, not letting go in case her father had some sudden loyalty to the Grandmaster.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now