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Leema wailed as the shadows ran after her and the woman carrying her. She was small, an infant.

The shadows were not friendly and they were after her. That's when they swooped in. Two cloaked figures, saving them, then gone in a flash.

The woman carrying her stopped and calmed Leema, running her fingers through her light head of hair. The foul taste of milk was still on her tongue as her mother walked away. She seemed to know who the shadows were and knew there was no threat.

Then a man stopped her. With blonde hair and blue eyes, he watched her. "Are you fleeing?"

"Why would I do that?" the woman said slowly, her hand falling from stroking Leema's head down to her side.

"Because you helped my brother."

"You can't take her," the woman growled. Many things happened. In a flash a man appeared and Leema (though an infant) seemed to know exactly who this was: her father was there, taking on Thor while the women, her mother, fled with her: the tiny infant barely old enough to say one word.

The woman's face glistened with tears as she ran and locked the door. Leema stared up at her mother and into her stormy blue eyes.

"You'll be okay.... Here," the woman set a necklace in the black bundle of blankets she was wrapped in, "You keep this and you'll always be able to find me and your father. Always."

Her mother set her in the closet as she raced out to help her father. Leema was left in the dark with the only light coming from the crack under the door where she peaked out in her bundle.

There was yelling and fighting and Leema began to get very anxious. She shifted in her bundles. It seemed to fall quiet. But then there was a sound from behind the door, a calling, quiet, but loud enough to be heard from in the room. "Ma?"

Later the man with blonde hair found her and passed her parents who were shouting and trying to push through the guards that pushed them back as she was taken away. This time Leema didn't need to form the word in her mind before she said it.


Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now