The Youngest Avenger

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Leema raced out onto the platform and into the copter, her clothes shimmering as she changed into a suit like Natasha's except now instead of green like the one she had when she was younger the linen was purple.

She was twelve now. A lot has changed over the past years. She had become a "Minor" Avenger when she was eleven and a half, Tony Stark had adopted a baby: Lily Stark, Ingrid had been moved to Loki's cell in Asgard, and Leema was now acting more like the Queen of Shadows when she went to the Land of Shadows.

She sadly no longer needed training so she hadn't seen her father for a while. No one would let her now that she could control her power, but Leema still found a way to sneak an illusion into Loki's cell. Loki couldn't visit her cause they had now limited her family's magic now that they didn't need it to train her.

It had taken a lot to become an Avenger. She had gone on a run with Steve every morning, took a lot of bruises from training with Natasha, and a lot of being shot back by Tony's Iron Man. She had learned to use her wings which was a relief although now she wished she hadn't practiced all those days and instead had waited till she heard where Ingrid was because she could've been back with her family now that Ingrid was with them.

She still did her tricks a lot, and she still got grounded when she was still only twelve. She visited Asgard a lot and got to see Loila, Frigga, and Sif, but no one would let her go anywhere near the dungeons. Thankfully after weeks of begging Thor he would be talking to Odin and figuring out if Leema could at least visit with her father on the weekends.

"What is it this time?" Leema asked as she walked up to Tony who led the copter.

"A runway bomb in a white van."

"Well that's never new, is it?"

"Nope," Steve answered for Tony. He was in full uniform as was everyone else.

"Well, then I suppose this won't be anything new for you guys, me on the other hand...well I'm going to enjoy this," Leema nodded to Steve with a smile.

Steve nodded, rolling his eyes. "You say that now."

* * *

Leema thumped on to the truck, folding in her wings as she gripped the sides of the truck as the driver tried to knock her off. Her black eyes flashed as she let the shadows escape from her hands and slip into the open windows. Like ropes, she gripped them tightly.

She spread her wings for balance as the truck went up on a high overpass. Her eyes widened as she lurched forward and crashed on the wind shield, cracking it. She saw Natasha on a black motorcycle racing up towards her.

She quickly rolled off the windshield, still gripping her shadow ropes and found herself dangling on the side of the truck, high in the air. She quickly rolled out of the way as someone shot at her from inside the black tinted windows, rolling out of the way before the bullet could hit her.

"You still keeping them busy?" she heard Tony ask through her ear piece.

"Ignore Tony, I'm coming to help," Natasha replied.

Leema beat her wings and landed back on the top of the truck, still with her shadow ropes at hand. As a bullet shot up from under her she missed getting hit by inches, the bullet grazing her finger.

She yelped in anger, her hand burning as she let go of the shadow ropes and they disappeared. "What do you think!?" she yelled back in the earpiece as she was thrown back, forced to flap in mid air.

"I'd say no."

Leema grumbled then dove back at the truck, this time crashing into the back.

Two guys stood to meet her but she quickly let two shadow-like vines wrap around them and yanked them out of the truck, causing them to slam into the windshield of the car behind the van.

"I got it," Leema said into the ear piece as she picked up the small vile in a briefcase that was supposedly a bomb.

"Aww, you didn't leave any for me?" Natasha yelled over the wind as she raced up behind the van on her motorcycle.

"Don't be jealous," Leema laughed.

"Would you two stop playing." Tony echoed. "Get out of the van Leema."

Leema jumped out, flapping up into the air as she saw Tony's Iron Man picking the truck up and lifting it into the air. Her attention turned to the guy that opened the door at the driver seat and jumped out, plummeting to the ground.

"Oh no you don't!" Leema dove and caught him by his shirt collar. He looked up and Leema realized with shock he had a gun. He pointed it at the vile in her hand and she muttered, "Crap."

The gunshot went off and she felt searing pain in her hand, then her whole body was burning in pain as if on fire as she was thrown back into the air, her world turning black as she fell to the ground.

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