The Blood Red Rose

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Leema stared at Hades in horror. Her shadows left her immediately, sensing danger.

Her wings stretched out behind her, her eyes turned pitch black, and her veins turned black, shadows racing up her arms and licking at her ankles.

"Get out, you're not welcomed here," Leema said, surprising herself when her voice didn't waver in this man's presence.

Nazhagal snarled at Hades with great dislike.

Seeming unfazed, Hades simply smiled and set his wine glass down; ignoring the lines of shadows guards now behind Leema.

"My dear amour, I can tell you have questions," Hades said coolly.

Leema glared at him. She did in fact. She had lots of them. Including the one that scared her the most of all: Did she love Alex or the man behind the mask...Hades?

Hades watched Leema calculatingly.
"You wonder if you will have to take on your mothers side of the deal and fulfill it, for if you don't I take your brothers life. Hm...And how long I've been Alex.... But, you fear the last one...Do you love me like I love you?"

Leema shivered. That was too close. She took in a breath and sighed. "Hades, that is correct. But, you know as well as I do that can't happen anyway because I am nine years old at the moment. And secondly, what does amour mean?"

Hades grinned wildly. "Oh, my dear, that can be fixed easily."

He waved his hand and Leema gasped as she arose to a height of 5'4 and her raven black hair stretched now to her waist. Her features sharpened making her look a young adult.

"What. The. LITERAL. HELL!?" Leema screeched at him. At his grin she added, "No. Freaking. Pun. Intended."

Thankfully, her clothes had grown somehow with his magic and twenty-one year old Leema wasn't in nine year old clothes.

One corner of Hades'  mouth tipped up into a one sided smirk. "Hello Twenty-One year old Leema, now I can answer your other questions."

Leema was about to snap something else when he raised a challenging brow. She snapped her mouth close because she wanted - more like needed answers.

Hades looked Leema up and down then finally spoke. "When Alex apologized to you I decided to become him in a way. I killed him and took his body as my host. I used him as a disguise."

Leema sighed. Oh, Alex.... She gritted out one word. "Why?"

Hades exhaled and said, "I wanted to see if the daughter of Lea knew anything of the deal the Goddess Of Mystery made with me. To see if you would own up to it. But...I then...fell in love with the Goddess Of Shadows doing so...."

"Me," Leema clarified, having a sinking feeling, as if she was closing in on herself.

Hades nodded. "So, Leema, I don't want your power anymore or your family's power only your love."

Leema flinched inwardly. "Why should I trust you when my mother specifically warned me about you?"

Hades sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose then he looked back at Leema. "Because, Lea is unaware of the affections I've grown for you."

Leema felt like she had a rock in her throat when she came to the sickening conclusion she dreaded. She didn't love Alex she loved Hades.

"I...I need some time to think right now Hades, please leave me," Leema said, looking away.

Hades hesitated then nodded and bowed.

"Wait!" Leema quickly yelled, snapping her head up.

Hades cocked a brow.

"You still haven't answered my other question. What does amour mean?" Leema asked, curious.

Hades hesitated then smiled warmly, and before he disappeared in a puff of red smoke he whispered so Leema could still hear, "In French it means 'love."

* * *
"Fuck!" Rinolo cursed, pacing the room with his hand running through his black hair.

Ingrid sighed and rested a hand on his  bicep. "Calm down Rinolo."

Rinolo gave her a look then sunk into a chair in the sitting room the family was gathered in.

Leema had quickly gathered Rinolo, Ingrid, Lyra, Loila, and her father and explained everything to them.

Loki looked uneasy for the first time in a while. "Damn it...I told her not to be so foolish."

Rinolo's eyes flashed red for a moment then when Ingrid took his hand in hers it disappeared.

Leema sighed. "I don't know what to do. I think I need to figure this out on my own."

Loila shook her head, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders. "Absoloutely not. No way am I letting my niece face the Lord Of The Underworld, The Devil himself alone. Thor would say the same thing...but I think you need to find out more, which means returning to Hades."

"LIKE HELL SHE WILL," Rinolo abruptly shouted, rising to his feet, his eyes glowing crimson red.

Loki stood and turned to Loila. "For once, I actually agree with my son."

Rinolo blinked in surprise at this, and it was enough for his eyes to stop glowing red.

Lyra's eyes flashed a dangerous dark blue then she said from where she sat by Leema, "I agree with Loila. Leema needs to find out what really is going on. I mean this is Hades we're talking about for Christ's Sake."

Ingrid nodded in agreement. "Lyra's right."

Rinolo's head snapped around and his eyes showed disbelief.

Ingrid crossed her arms over her chest, her wing feathers rustled as she said, "What? I have an opinion, love."

Rinolo huffed and replied, "I'm very well aware of that, darling, but do you really think sending Leema out to the Lord Of The Underworld?"

Ingrid nodded.

Leema watched them all quietly.

"It's up to Leema anyway," Loki said as he turned to his daughter.

Leema blinked up at him then glance at Lyra and Loila.

She sighed and said, "Sorry father, brother, but I agree. I'll go figure out what I can from Hades."

* * *
Leema didn't know where else she would find the Lord Of The Underworld so she approached the lake she and Alex/Hades always met at.

She sighed and sat, thinking.

She was jerked out of her thoughts a while later when something soft brushed her foot that was now dipped into the lake.

Leema looked down to see a blood red rose floating across the water.

It was bound to be from Hades.

Leema winced and picked it up from the water. The thorns had been clipped off and Leema wanted to sigh at the nice, loving gesture.

Leema stood and looked down at the rose she held to her chest.

"I'm sorry Father, Brother, Aunt Loila, Godmother, Ingrid...but I need to figure these feelings out on my own," Leema whispered as she gazed at the rose in her hands.

She let it drop and it slowly drifted to rest on the docks once more.

"Goodbye...for now."

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