Can You Forgive When You Can Never Forget?

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Leema smiled as she Alex at the lake. It had been weeks since she had seen him, no thanks to Ultron. She was fourteen, and a lot had changed yet again. Ultron had happened, there was a new secret Avengers Facility so she usually had to fly to the lake now. The Scarlet Witch, Wanda, now lived with them as did Vision who once was Jarvis which confused Leema.

Loila had herself still locked in prison and Leema was beginning to have some thoughts on that if someone was keeping her there or if she really was keeping herself there because she was struck with grief for two years.

Lily was four and getting smarter like her dad as the days go by. Thor came to visit once in a while, but not too often. Lyra also came to visit weekly, at least as an illusion. Also, Cap and Natasha were fugitives for a while and Nick Fury was believed dead. Thankfully, that was all figured out. But, now there was a guy named Sam flying around too.

Leema tiptoed down. She was about to startle him when he turned around sharply and Leema fell back in surprise. Leema laughed and took his hand as he helped her up. He had grown taller and broader shouldered so he didn't really get bullied anymore.

"I got you," he said triumphantly.

"For the first time in forever," Leema replied with a smile.

"Yeah," he laughed, "What is it? Like six to forty?"

Leema squinted her eyes then nodded. "Something like that."

"I saw the news about Sokovia. You alright?"

"Fine. I mostly helped people board the safety ships."

"Good," he said as he hugged her and whispered in her ear, "Don't want you getting hurt."

Leema pulled back as they separated. "You don't have to worry about me." She smiled reassuringly.

"But I do! Every day!" he said in protest as she sat down on the bridge.

She laughed as he sat down beside her. "Well, I worry about you everyday too."

"That's different. I don't go to war with robots and aliens and what not? How can I not seriously worry about you?"

"Awww. Well, I'm fine Alex," she reassured.

"How's your family?"

Leema sighed. "Well, Loila's still in prison, and it's hard to imagine she wouldn't pull it together for her father and brother, but I don't know. Every time I ask Lyra she says she's still in no state to see me. And, Thor well he's been gone more and more, but he comes back once in a while. Pretty sure Jane broke up with him or like he says: he broke up with her. And yeah." Leema rubbed her arms.

"You miss your father," he said slowly, reading her eyes as he put his arm around her shoulders.

Leema nodded as she leaned in, resting her head on his chest, pulling herself closer to him. "I haven't been to Asgard in a sense. I'm not sure I'm ready."

"You're ready for anything," he said, looking down at her, "Always. Perhaps it's time you go see your grandfather and your godmother and your aunt and who knows, maybe your uncle has been there all this time."

She nodded. "I'll let Steve and Sam know that I'm going to Asgard." She stood and her wings appeared without her eyes going black so she wasn't fully in her winged shadow form.

"Be careful!!" he called as she leaped into the air.

She turned her head and called back, "I will!!"

* * *

Leema looked at the new guy in confusion. "So you replaced Heimdall?"

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now