Into The Arena

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Leema looked around. She had been shoved in a room with many weapons and armor, the only way out another huge door that she assumed led into the arena. Her hair had been braided back like a crown around her head, and three purple lines of face paint down one side of her face.

Leema blinked, scanning her options. Her eyes lied on the leather armor with arm cuffs, shoulder pads, and chest pads. She put it on then she completely lost herself when her eyes lied on the mask. She smirked and put it on, feeling like a samurai.

She looked around and found a hooded cloak that matched the armor and she put it on, putting the hood over her head. She sheathed a sword at her belt, and two daggers at her back. The door was opening now and she took a breath under the mask.

She walked out, her eyes scanning the huge dome. It was open to the sky an audience but the walls were high and tall, and it was covered in what looked like blue sand. Leema saw Thor at her side.

"You lose some hair?" she asked as she saw someone had cut off his hair. He had three red lines down his face and his eyes shined as he put on his helmet, ignoring the grandmaster's hologram that was speaking.

"We don't talk of it," he growled.

Leema smirked under her mask then turned, her eyes landing on the door on the other side of the arena that was opening. Her eyes turned to her father who believed it or not had a hint of worry that crossed his gaze then it disappeared.

Leema's heart leaped in her throat as the door was smashed and out came a big green-


Leema turned to stare at Thor. Of course she knew who this was. It was the Hulk. The Hulk didn't seem to notice; he was roaring to the crowd.

"Banner! Hey Banner!" Thor yelled brightly. "Everyone thought you were dead. What's going on with you- oh! Loki's alive, yeah, Loki look who it is!"

Leema laughed lightly under her mask at her father's expression.

Thor turned back to the hulk and said, "I lost my hammer, yeah that was like yesterday so that's still pretty... fresh...."

"No Banner! Only Hulk!!"

"Uh-Oh." Leema said as he raced forward, leaping out of the way and throwing her arms over her head as Thor crashed into the wall. Leema watched with wide eyes, scrambling backwards as Hulk ran at Thor again.

Leema was trembling with fear inside, but she took a breath and shot forward, her wings appearing. She crashed into the hulk, sending him flying across the arena wall. As she tumbled back she quickly unsheathed the sword and dug it into the ground before she could hit the wall.

Leema got up cautiously as Thor approached Hulk. Leema brushed off the sand and was about to walk over when Thor started smashing Thor around. Leema gapped in shock then quickly regained herself, racing forward again.

She yelped as Hulk smashed her aside with his hand and she crashed into the wall. She stumbled forward, a dribble of blood dripping from her nose. "At least I'm not mortal," she mumbled.

She straightened. "No, I'm a God."

Leema smiled and she roared as her form changed, she became a whirling black cloud as Thor was kicking Hulk's ass. Leema's shadow cloud form whisked down, bundling Hulk away from Thor.

Leema whirled around him, confusing him, blinding him. She lunged, her shadow grabbing him and whipped up. When she could go up past the crowd no more than she wanted to she dropped him.

She hissed as a burning sensation filled her. She jolted and not knowing how the shock could still affect her in this form she turned back in shock, unable to write herself as she fell. She crashed into the sand.

Leema groaned, staying there for a second, she didn't feel like getting up, either that or she didn't want to. "....Cheater...." she mumbled. Leema watched helplessly as Thor was smashed into the ground.

Leema, get up, now. Get up, LEEMA. GET UP. Leema widened her eyes and her gaze immediately shot to Loki who was staring at her. Are you seriously talking to me telepathically?

Leema struggled to hoist yourself up and groaned, rubbing her head.


Great, now my thoughts are no longer private.

Leema ignored his response, and took a trembling step towards Thor when a bolt of lightning shot up and Hulk was thrown back. Leema took this time to gather herself and stared- wide eyed and amazed as Thor walked forward.

He was covered in head to toe with rippling lightning bolts. Leema took this as her cue as well and her eyes went black, shadows rippling around her.

Together, they slammed into hulk. Leema was thrown back in a whirl of feathers and managed to catch herself, hovering in mid-air. She watched as Thor walked to Hulk.

Hulk looked very nervous.

Then suddenly Thor fell over and Hulk plunged up, causing Leema to have to get out of the way.

She watched in horror as he plunged into Hulk. Leema winced at the sight and dove. "Get off him!" Then she suddenly lurched, her neck buzzing, she jolted and slammed into the sand, blacking out once more.

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