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Leema's daggers appeared in her hands as she watched the Dark Elves walk forward. Malakith and his monster of an elf stopped to look up at us.

Lyra shifted besides her.

"Would you?" Thor asked my father as he undid Loki's handcuffs.

"No brother I wouldn't," he said calmly.

Leema shouted as he stabbed Thor and shoved him down the cliff, following him. Jane raced down and Leema let out a screech, but with the Shadow Chorus and extended her wings, shadows whirling around her as she dove forward.

Lyra and Loila followed. Leema was knocked out of the air by one of Lyra's daggers and she fell, disturbing the sand as she crashed. She scrambled up, but Lyra pinned her with a dagger to the back of her neck.

She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Great acting."

Leema scowled as if she had said a threat in her ear. Loila bent down over Thor who was clutching his arm where his hand was gone as Leema pretended to struggle under Lyra.

"Malakith! I am Loki, and I bring you a gift." Loki threw Jane at his feet. "I ask for only one thing in return: a front seat to watching Asgard burn."

The monster said something Leema didn't understand to Malakith. Loila looked angrily at Loki then leaped at him, swords in hand. Leema watched helplessly as they fought. Then Loila fell to the ground, clutching her stomach where Loki had cut her.

Malakith now turned back to Jane and Leema watched with wide eyes as she was lifted into the air. The Ether appeared, a swirling mass of grey and red. Leema watched: horrified as Jane dropped.

"Now!" Thor yelled.

Loila dove over to us and helped Lyra shield Leema as Loki slid over and shielded Jane while Thor brought a bolt of lightning down on the Ether: destroying it. Leema looked up with wide eyes. The Ether was like shards of glass as it returned to its form then Malakith seemed to consume it.

The illusion hadn't worked. Leema got up immediately besides Lyra and Loila as the Dark Elves advanced. Leema's daggers appeared once more, Lyra with her own dagger's, and Loila with her swords.

Leema faced off three as Thor faced off the monster. Leema stretched out her wings and in her mind she thought, Let all the shadows join as one in me. Leema screeched with many voices as she swung forward. Here and there a shadow arm would separate from hers then return.

Leema whipped her hair back as she sent a Dark Elf falling dead. Leema turned to face the others, shadows erupting out of the ground around her with their shadow knives. To make them more confused she cast many illusions of herself.

Soon they were dead at her feet and the shadows retracted. Loila and Lyra finished off another pair while Thor stared up at the monster that loomed over him. Leema was about to run over to help when Loki appeared and shoved a poisonous spear through the monster.

Leema let out a breath of relief but it didn't last. Loila let out a heartbreaking scream as the monster thrust Loki onto the spear like a speared fish then threw him away. Leema screeched in pain and fury and grabbed a device the Dark Elves had used and threw it at the monster.

It landed on it and it was sucked in and disappeared. Leema raced over, Lyra and Loila by her side.

"No...No...No...." Leema grasped his hand, tears streaming down her face.

Loila crouched beside Thor. "You fool!" she screamed.

"I am a fool...." Loki stuttered.

Leema curled up beside him and cried in his shirt as he put his arm over her shoulders.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now