Avengers Endgame (Part Two)

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10 Minutes Before 'Avengers Assemble.'

Leema blinked. What the hell? 

Leema was lying on her back on the ground, her raven black hair covering her face. She sat up, brushing her hair away. Then it all came back to her - she had blipped. She looked around and got up immediately when she spotted a mound of black feathers.

"Ingrid!" Leema yelled and raced over.

Ingrid shot up immediately and went to swing a punch at Leema, thankfully someone stopped the punch. Loila's blonde hair blew in the light breeze as she calmed Ingrid.

Leema looked around. Where was Thor? And Cap? Bruce?

Leema spotted Groot, and Wanda (The Scarlet Witch), and even T'Challa (The Black Panther), but where was everyone else.

"Shit, we disappeared," Loila cursed.

Ingrid looked around urgently, probably looking for Rinolo. "How long?"

"Five years," The Falcon responded through the ear piece in Leema's ear.

"You can say 'shit' again, Loila," Ingrid snorted.

"We can't do this right now, Cap needs us," Leema said, her emerald green eyes shining. "T'Challa, Black Panther, your highness, let's go kick some ass if you don't mind, with the rest of your army."

"Why the hell is a 16 year old cursing?" Bucky said as he walked through the trees to stand in the clearing they were in.

Leema smiled and shrugged. "Hey, I'm technically 21 counting the blip."

"Take that up with her Uncle," Loila said to Bucky with a smirk.

"Okay, stop it you guys, we have a major problem," Falcon, Sam Wilson, said.

"No shit sherlock," Ingrid murmured.

"She's right though," Wanda said.

Leema smirked. "Why thank you."

Loila's emerald eyes blazed fire. "Let's go kick some ass."

Present Time

'"Avengers Assemble.'"

Leema watched as the Avengers, and other gathered hero's raced forward, letting out war cries. 

Leema roared as she dove to the army. She landed, her shadows exploding from her and the group of Chitauri that had been brave enough to come forward flew back, in an explosion.

Leema let the shadows ingulf her. Her eyes became pits of black, her veins now running black, standing out against her pale skin. Her wings stretched out behind her, to their full length. Shadows ingulfed her hands and feet as she ran.

"I summon Nazhagal to my aid!" Leema yelled and let the shadows leak from her. 

Nazhgal rose on her left as a HUGE snarling wolf, red eyes blazing. 

"I summon Chaaya to my aid!" 

Chaaya rose on her right, another HUGE snarling wolf with purple eyes leaking smoke. 

"I summon Heolstor to my aid!" 

Another huge wolf rose on Chaaya's side, orange eyes glowing. 

"I summon Sceadu!" 

This time, Leema let the shadows leak under her and she gripped onto black fur as the powerful shadow rose as another wolf, his green eyes dripping tar, Leema on his back.

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