The Inner Demons

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Leema scrambled behind a piece of fallen metal, clutching her ribs where blood was soaking her leather suit. She had another fit of coughing up blood. She was breathing heavily, and her black eyes were flickering. Her wings were sprawled out and twisted at awkward angles. The shadows that had been shooting from her hands were now gone.

Ingrid was somewhere way off in a ball of black feathers and red blood, not even moving.

Lyra was racing at the big purple Thanos, but he rammed her into the wall and she dropped to the ground, gapping for breath. Then a rock fell on her and she was pinned, trying to breath.

Loila darted forward, but she was knocked aside. Loila coughed up blood, but she stayed there.

Rinolo was the only one left fighting Thanos. 

Thor was bloody, and barely moving.

Rinolo roared defiantly. Thanos managed to grab him and throw him aside where he bounced away and slammed into a wall, going unconscious.

Thanos took Thor's head and said, "Where's the tezeract?"

Leema froze. She looked at her necklace.

Thor's, Rinolo's, and Lyra's light were flickering dangerously. And Leema's own light was flickering.

Leema was slowly feeling the energy drain from her, but she held on with all she had. She peeked out and saw Loki watching Thor as Thanos was literally trying to smash his head.

Loki blinked. "Alright, fine, stop," he said and looked back at Thanos.

Thanos stopped.

Loki reached out his hand and Leema watched as the tezeract appeared in his hand.

Loila was crawling to the opposite wall as Thanos grabbed the tezeract. Leema watched as he crushed it, and the stone inside was put in his glove. He admired it for a moment, then Loki ducked out of the way.

Leema pulled him back beside her as Hulk raced at Thanos.

Leema let a illusion hide her wounds and spluttered, "What's the plan?"

"The plan is for you to get out of here," Loki said.

"What? No," Leema argued.

"I'm sorry, Leema, but in Lea's name I can't let you die," he said.

Leema's eyes widened as a jet of light went through the ship.

"NOOO! LOKI! FATHER! DAD! NOOO!" she screamed as he shoved her in the way of it and she disappeared with Hulk into the Bi Frost.

* * *

Leema landed with Hulk in splintering wood. Leema's eyes widened and she scrambled up. "No. No. NO. NO! DAMN YOU FATHER!!" Leema yelled, but then she fell back as her illusion disappeared and she was bleeding again.

Through Leema's blurry vision she made out- "Tony?? Mr. Strange??"

"Hey Kiddo, it's been a while," he said.

"You have no idea...," she managed to murmur before blacking out.

* * *

Leema woke up and shot up, but instantly winced and looked down. Her rib cage was wrapped up with bandages, and paste was on her wounds.

Leema looked around and she realized in great surprise that there sitting in a chair was Steve Rogers.

"Steve? But, you're a fugitive? How's everyone?" Leema asked quickly. "Where's Loki? And Lyra, Loila, Rinolo, and Ingrid. Oh no, Steve it's Thanos!"

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