Lovely Deaths Of Peace

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"She's what!?" Lyra screeched.

Hel rolled her eyes and repeated, "I don't know what she's doing, but she took the Lightning Bolt Of Zeus and left. No one has ever wielded such a power, but with it - "

"She can kill Hades." Loki confirmed.

Loila, Ingrid, Lyra, and Rinolo were currently outside and when Hel had arrived to share the news they had gathered on the porch. Loila was resting inside, for she had been weak since her magic had been taken.

Hel nodded from where she stood by her father with her arms crossed.

"Thank you Hel, you can go now," Loki told his daughter.

Hel nodded and glanced one last time at them all, then she dipped her head and disappeared.

Rinolo ran a hand through his hair over and over. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," he repeated quietly. "Wait - that's good though."

Ingrids feathers rustled and she shook her head. "No, Rinolo, it isn't."

Rinolo's eyebrows furrowed and he looked down at her. "How isn't it?"

"Because he's the God of Death and Spirits." 

Lyra sucked in a sharp breath.

Loki opened his mouth and closed it. He squeezed his eyes shut, looking away, and murmured with much pain, "If she kills him, she kills Lea's spirit...."

* * *

Leema stood at the lake with the lightning bolt tucked in her jacket as she looked around. "Hades, I wish to talk to you."

There was a sudden gust of wind and she slowly turned to see Hades approaching with a smile. "My amour," he said quietly as he approached. He stopped a few steps away.

Leema gazed at him, shaking slightly. "Y-You took Loila's magic...."

Hades sighed heavily. "Amour...."

"NO!" Leema yelled, her fists clenching at her sides.  "Tell me why."

"All I want is your love, amour, I took her magic because I need you to know that I need  you," he said, taking a slow step towards Leema. "I will return her magic once I have you."

Leema took a step back onto the docks and shook her head. "No, if you loved me you wouldn't hurt my family."

Hades smiled as he took another intimidating step. "If you loved me, amour, you would already be with me."

Leema took a step back, eyes narrowed. "Hades...give my Aunt her magic back, and I'll come with you."

Hades closed the space between them and Leema hit the edge of the deck. Hades gazed down at her and she looked away.

He trailed a hand down her cheek then gripped her chin in five hard points, jerking her chin, and tilting her head back so she had to look up into his chilling eyes.

Leema shivered, feeling the heat of his body and the thrum of the lightning bolt against her heart.

He bent his head to smile at her ear.

"If you come with me my amour, I will give you anything...and everything," he whispered quietly. against her ear.

She felt something press against her right hand and she gripped it like it was her lifeline. 

"The vile holds Loila Odinsdottir's magic in it," he said, his breath dancing down her neck.

"Thank you," she whispered in reply as he trailed back up her neck.

He bent his head so his lips hovered over hers and she slowly put her hand into her jacket, putting the vile in it and switching it for the lightning bolt, her hand gripping it tightly.

She put her other hand against his chest, feeling the hard lines of muscle. 

"The thing is Hades, you still took her magic, and that can't go unnoticed," Leema said quietly, her voice turning to stone, as she looked into his eyes, their lips hovering over each others.

Hades eyebrows' drew together. "My amour?"

Leema looked over his shoulder out of the corner of her eyes and she blinked, seeing her mothers spirit.

Lea looked sad as she watched them, a single glowing tear trailing down her cheek. She dipped her head into her chest, nodding once.

"LEA!!! LEEMA NOO!!" A voice from the trees screamed. 

Leema barely had time to see her mother turn, and recognize the voice as Loki before she whipped out the lightning bolt and pushed it into Hades' chest.

Hades gasped and his hand disappeared from her cheek to his chest. Leema pushed him away and to his knees.

Loki stood at the tree line, staring with wide eyes. "NO!"

Leema looked at him in confusion then glanced at her mother. She was...she was fading. No!

"Mother!" Leema yelled.

Lea smiled sadly. "Do what is best for your family, even if it costs you your life," she murmured to herself then she gazed at Leema. "My dear, I love you more than anything, Leema. Always be there for your family." Her eyes turned to Loki as her legs now faded and they couldn't see a thing. "My love, do not blank out again and go crazy. You must be there for your daughter and son."

"Lea! No!" For the first time ever, Leema heard a sob in the back of her father's throat.

"M-m-mother...," Leema stepped towards her when Hades grabbed her ankle.

"Goodbye my loves, my unfinished business has been completed," Lea whispered and she closed her eyes, fading away with the mist.

"LEA!" Loki raced to the spot she had faded away from.

Leema looked down at Hades and dropped to her knees, tears running down her cheeks. She gripped both sides of his head. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I love you. I love you so, so much."

Hades closed his eyes and let out a breath of relief as their foreheads touched. "I will always love you, my amour, even in death. Your mother lives, Leema, she is at peace in the Heavens of Gods."

Leema squeezed her eyes shut. "Thank you."

Their lips met and she sobbed when his lips went cold and he went limp. 

Leema backed away, standing and staring down at the body of her love while Loki stood in the place his love had faded.

Leema stood there for a long moment and finally she walked over to Loki, expecting him to lash out at her.

Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace.

Leema closed her eyes as she leaned against his chest.

"She's at peace now," Leema whispered.

Loki's arms tightened around her and he sighed and said hoarsely, "That is all I wish for her to have."

Leema wrapped her arms around his waist. "Let's go home, Father."

Loki nodded and picked her up easily even though Leema was 21 now. "Let's go."

She buried her head in her neck and whispered. "Father?"


"I love you."

"I love you too, my darling, my daughter."

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now