The Lord Of The Underworld

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Leema sighed as she walked down to the lake where her and Alex always met. She needed space to think, and figure out what her mothers warning meant. She approached the lake and was surprised to see Alex there, his brown hair in his eyes as the wind blew.

It had been three days since she received her mothers warning. Her father settled in in a room across from hers and although Sam and Bucky were hesitant to let him stay, Leema had begged them constantly, so he was on some sort of probation.

Leema approached him and called, "Alex!"

Alex turned around immediately with a smile.

Leema raced over and hugged his waist.

"You know I don't think I'll ever get used to you being nine years old again," he said as he hugged her tightly.

Leema broke the hug and smiled, then she sighed and looked at the water, kicking off her shoes and sitting on the docks.

Alex lowered down beside her. Today he was in simple grey trousers, black boots, and a black t-shirt with his brown hair brushed to the side to reveal his beautiful eyes.

"Everything alright?" he asked concerningly as Leema let her toes touch the water.

She hesitated then shook her head and leaned on his shoulder. "Not at all. I mean, you'd think I'd get a break but there's always some sort of new danger or villain out there. Guess it either runs in the family or it's just inevitable."

Alex pulled her into his chest, his now muscular arm on her shoulders. "What happened now?"

Leema closed her eyes as her ear pressed against his beating heart and said, "A warning, from my mother. She said 'Do not trust him, Whatever You Do. He just wants to take our families power.' All I know is that it's a guy."

Alex seemed to tense for a moment then relax, and Leema found that odd, but she didn't say anything.

"Is it your father?" Alex asked hesitantly. "I wouldn't be surprised from what you've told me, although it's been five years maybe more since we've talked."

Leema shook her head. "No. My mom called him 'my love' before she disappeared. If he was the one I think she'd be mad at him or something. But, I did see something in my mothers eyes. I saw true love, right there. She seemed so sad when she faded away...I hope her spirit finds peace soon."

Alex placed his chin on her head and said, "Her spirit will find peace once she knows that her job to keep her family safe is complete, at least that's what my grandparents say." His voice turned jealous as he said, "I don't know, maybe it's that Nazhagal guy you told me about that one time?"

Leema shook her head again. "That is some accusation, Alex," Leema giggled, then she became serious once more. "But, no, it isn't Nazhagal. He's a shadow-" she said, making sure he caught on to the shadow part, then continued, "And, he's loyal to me and me only, that's his nature - all the shadows' nature."

Alex grunted and nodded. "Yeah, alright."

Leema looked at him curiously, wondering what he was so uneasy about. "Alright Alex, well I should go."

He hesitated then nodded, letting her up.

Leema got to her feet and let her eyes go pitch black and her veins go black as she let her shadows free.

She reigned them in when Nazhagal stood before her as a majestic black horse. She smiled and patted his nose, turning to Alex who was also on his feet.

Nazhagal's red eyes seemed to be glaring at Alex and Leema wondered what was wrong.

Leema sighed, telling herself she was just being paranoid and hoisted herself up onto Nazhgal when he bowed.

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