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Leema shook her head, waking up. The memories of Saturday coming back to her. She had been talking with her father about Lyra and how she had mysteriously left when there had been a knock at the door.

Loki had looked confused. If it was Lyra, surely she would've just teleported in the room like usual. Leema knew what this meant as her father stood up, his scepter appearing in his hand. Leema backed up behind her father, watching the door.

"Father?" someone called.

Leema looked greatly confused. Then the door burst open. Leema had no time to think and before she knew it she was knocked out.

Leema blinked open her eyes. She was tied to a chair in some sort of basement. Beside her Loki and Lyra were tied up. There was a rustle from a corner of the dim lit room. Leema looked over, squinting her eyes.

Loki and Lyra suddenly woke, both blinking awake. The rustling stopped and Leema turned her head to look at her father. "What happened?"

"I-I don't know." Loki looked around.

"Loki! Leema! Are you guys alright? I got to the house and you guys were just sitting there and looking at each other. You couldn't hear me or see me or anything. In less...."

"It was an illusion," Loki finished for her.

The rustling came again and this time out stepped a woman. She had long silky black hair, dark eyes like night with a slight twinkle, light lips, pale skin, and she had two black feathered wings like an angel. She wore a soft black dress and heels.

"Who are you? Where are we? I'm a god! How dare you lock me up," Loki roared.

"She didn't capture you. I did," a voice from the stairs that led up to another floor said. Someone stepped into the light. The man had pale blue eyes like those of a speared fish, black hair that fell in strands, brushing the lens's of his smudged sunglasses. He wore a black shirt that was slit down the middle, a pair of ripped jeans, and two cross earrings dangled from his ears.

Loki locked eyes with the man and they stared at each other for a long moment.

"No.... Out of all places you came to Midgard?" Lyra gasped.

The man nodded. "Seems this is the only place that doesn't end in complete disaster for me."

Leema watched. She was confused beyond compare.

"At least you found a place for yourself," Loki said, still staring at him.

Leema furrowed her eyebrows.

The man looked away from Loki and at Leema. "So, this is her."

Loki eyes narrowed. "Yes."

"Hello Leema," the man smiled, "You really do resemble...father."

Leema's eyes widened. "Y-Your-"

"Yes, I'm Rinolo. Nice to meet you too little sis. Where are my manners? This is Ingrid." Rinolo gestured to the winged lady.

Ingrid dipped her head, her eyes flashing as she looked back up at Leema.

"Rinolo why did you kidnap us?"

"Not like he didn't do anything you didn't do," Leema said as she felt an urge to defend her older brother.

"Hey." Loki glanced at her.

Rinolo let out a chilling laugh then looked back at them with a smile. "I only did it for your safety. Heimdall was tracking Lyra so I brought you guys here where he can't track you thanks to a powerful concealment spell of mine."

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now