The Lunatic Of A Grandmaster

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Leema rubbed her head and found herself surrounded by Thor, Lyra, Rinolo, Loila, and Ingrid. Leema stood and found crazy looking people with face paint on advancing. Leema changed instantly, her daggers in her hands.

As they charged Leema threw herself at them, smacking them away with her daggers. Loila, Lyra, Rinolo, and Ingrid joined her. Leema stabbed one in the gut and pushed him away, turning to meet another.

Ingrid and Thor were convulsing under what looked like electric ropes. Leema had no idea what was going on or where they were, but what mattered right now was surviving. Leema yelped as she crumbled to the ground when a net was thrown over her.

She dropped her daggers, jerking from the jolts. She yelled as they started beating up Thor and Ingrid. The others were soon caught and Leema squeezed her eyes shut as they advanced on her. Leema looked up as she saw a ship and a woman walk out.

"There mine," she said, tossing a beer bottle away. Leema had a spark of hope which died when the women fell off her ship. Leema looked back up at the people when the women stumbled up. "Wait! Wait! There mine. You want them, you're gonna have to go through me."

"But we already have them."

"Fine I'll go through you."

Leema curled into a ball as shots rang out and the men fell. Leema burst up as the net was deactivated, flapping her wings, and landing in front of the women with white markings on her face.

Ingrid landed by her.

"Thank you," Thor said.

The women looked at them then something was attached to Leema's neck. Leema yelped as she convulsed, falling to the ground.

* * *

Leema woke in a chair, her wings behind her uncomfortably. She stared and looked around. Thor, Rinolo, Loila, and Lyra were beside her, locked in their own chairs.

She looked up to see a man with what looked like elf ears wearing weird robes, and blue markings on his face. Around them were some sort of guards and a woman with white markings on her face like the woman that was standing beside the man that had "captured" them.

"Hmmm," the man looked around, "A good bunch. And you said there's another, but she's not a fighter?"

The women nodded. "A winged one, but she didn't have as much skill as this one." She gestured to Leema. "I let her go down to the parties."

"You know what do I say? You are... it starts with a B."

"Bull shit," Rinolo spat.

"No, no."

"Trash." The other woman said.

"No, no, I'm so sorry. You're the best not trash," the man said looking at the women.

"I'll take twenty million."

"She's dreaming."

"Oh for god's sake, transfer the credits," the man said.

"Now who are you guys?" He walked forward.

"Now wait a damn minute, I'm not for sale," Thor said pulling his arms off the chair. Thor was jolted back as the women walked away.

"You'll pay for this," Thor said.

"No, I can't pay for this," the women laughed.

"Now, who were you again?" the man asked.

"I AM THE GOD OF THUNDER!!" Thor yelled, lifting his arms once more as sparks appeared from his fingers.

"Oh, Lord of Thunder. I didn't see any thunder, but were those sparkles?" The man walked over. "Well, I'm the grandmaster."

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now