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Leema shuffled her feet. They were on the ship: leaving to Midgard since Asgard had been destroyed. Thor had been declared the new king (no surprise there), and Loki was fine with least at the moment.

This just showed that he was a good person at heart, which was great. Or maybe he was putting on another face and really his heart was as black as coal. Who knew?

Leema took a deep breath and opened the door. She instantly noticed Lyra in the room.

Lyra looked up. She walked over and hugged Leema tightly, which surprised Leema. Leema just hugged her back. "Um- I didn't almost die this time??"

Lyra laughed lightly. "No, that's not why." She gripped Leema's shoulders and looked her up and down. "I just see so much of your mother in you. You know she was the only one who ever visited me. Oh Leema, I'm so sorry. Through all the chaos there was barely any time to apologize for my actions. I should've told you your father was alive."

Loki walked over and said, "We should've told you."

Leema blinked then sighed and said, "I think the person you need to apologize to is Loila, father. You locked her up after everything she went through for you."

Loki didn't betray anything, but the tiny twitch of his hand told Leema he was feeling something. 

"Yes, indeed."

Lyra gazed at them then walked to the door. As it opened she said. "I'll leave you two be, we're heading for Midgard and I need to talk to Thor. Loki and I's status is not that great on Midgard."

There was a long moment of silence when the door shut behind her.

Leema was trying very hard to keep staring at an obsidian rock sitting on a table. Then after a long moment she said, "You have the tezeract, don't you?"

Loki blinked the finally said, "Yes."

"Seriously?" Now Leema looked at him. Then she simply sighed and walked over and hugged her father. "Don't fake your death again please. It hurt. Like really really hurt, a lot."

Loki returned the hug, resting his chin on her head. "I'm sorry, Leema. Here, there's something I want you to have."

Leema watched him and he pulled out a necklace from his pocket. "Your mother gave this to you when you were younger, but Thor knew it was magic and took it away."

Leema looked at it. It was of silver, but there were seven charms. One was red, the other yellow, one blue, another green, one white, one black, and one turquoise. All of them lit up with light except the blue one.

"You see each represent a member of the family," he explained. "Red is Thor, yellow is Loila, turquoise is Lyra, green is me, white is you, black is Rinolo, and," he hesitated, "And..., blue is your mother."

Leema took the necklace and gazed at it. "But..., it's not lit up..., because she's...-" She stopped, and Loki noddded. 

Leema put it around her neck and they embraced once more.

Leema took a breath and stepped back. Their emerald green eyes met and she said, "Now it's time to apologize to Loila, but also Rinolo."

* * *

Loila was sitting in her room, gazing out at the stars when they walked in. She didn't look at them, but said, "Took you long enough, brother."

Loki didn't say anything. "Loila, I would've let you out-"

"But, you didn't." Loila stood and looked at him.

Leema could tell from her expression that she was hurting greatly inside.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now