The Birthday Surprise

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Leema never believed her dad would just hand her over to The Avengers. She never believed the tales of her childhood about the first couple months with her father: how he sensed her power and decided he didn't want her. That to her didn't seem possible.

Her Uncle had taken her to The Avengers and since then she lived in what used to be Stark Tower with the world's "greatest heroes."

Her Uncle, Thor, never spoke of her father, in fact none of The Avengers did. The only thing Thor had ever said about her father was that he was the reason for the war with the Chitari a couple months ago.

She had caught a glimpse of her father- at least who she thought was her father. When Thor had taken her father to Asgard, which she was painfully jealous of, she wasn't allowed to tag along, or at least ask her father why he had given her up and if it was truly the cause of her power.

From what Leema saw he looked nothing like Thor, but a lot like Leema. Leema had long raven black hair that went just below her chest, emerald green eyes, pale skin, and sharp face features. The man looked the same. He had the same raven black hair that looked slightly gelled back, the same emerald green eyes, the same pale skin, and the same sharp face features.

Somehow Tony; the amazing Iron Man, had seen her projected image of herself peeking from behind a tree at the park they took her father away. She had to disperse her image, returning to her room where Tony had locked in her so they could take care of the Chitari. Like it was any safer in here.

She remembered clearly though before fully dispersing, the green emerald eyes locking with her green eyes.

Although she could do magic like that when she was eight, Tony still had locked her up thanks to her Uncle's request to make sure she didn't end up "helping" them. You'd think an eight year old be hiding under her bed sheets because of the aliens outside, but not her. She'd wanted to fight the aliens off with her "adoptive" family even though the Chitari were twice her size.

This was some months ago though, soon to be about a year ago being that her ninth birthday was in two days.

When Leema realized this she leaped out of her bed, and let the thoughts of her father that had been bugging her sense that day drift to the back of her mind. Leema looked around her room. It was nothing extravagant. It had a view of New York, bland white walls and carpet, her white bed with green sheets, her posters that hung on her wall, her shelves of books, a simple bedside table, a closet, a bathroom, and a couple of chairs near the window.

Leema opened her closet to reveal a variety of only two colors: Green and Black. Green was her F A V O R I T E color, and this seemed not to be a surprise for anyone.

She quickly slid on a comfy green dress with a black belt and gold button, slightly looking like a girl leprechaun, and some fuzzy black socks. As she was putting her socks on she skirted out of her bedroom door, down some familiar staircase, jumping the last few steps, and raced into the kitchen and dining room.

"Morning!" Leema shouted with a wide smile as she remembered the toy lizards she had placed around the house only the night before.

"What you do this time?" asked Natasha from where she sat in the other room, probably tracking someone down on the computer.

"Hmm? Oh nothing, just that it's my birthday in two days! Well, counting today it's in two days so technically my birthday's in one day!" Leema yelled excitedly, walking over to the cabinet with breakfast foods.

"Oh dear," groaned Tony from where he sat with Steve, "Is it every birthday you think is April Fools day or every Halloween?"

"Both," Leema replied with a smirk, "But, no, I'm just excited to see what Uncle Thor got me."

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