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Thor paced around the room impatiently. It was Tuesday, five days after Loki's kidnapping of Leema. Sure Leema was Loki's daughter but it was hard seeing him as a responsible father.

If Lea hadn't helped Loki try and take the throne of Asgard, Thor was sure Leema would be with her mother, that is if she hadn't died in the battle against the Chitauri. She had died bravely, saving hundreds for her own life.

Lea hadn't agreed with Loki, Thor knew that now. The former Valkyrie had tried to stop Loki with his sister Loila- who had foolishly helped Loki earlier in his plans of ruling Midgard- Loila saw in the end what Loki was doing and had fought at the former Valkyrie, Lea's, side, but by the time Loila ran over to help hold the building up so the last of the citizens could get out before they were crushed Lea was struck down by a Chitauri from behind.

Loila herself had carried the body of her close friend up to the Avengers tower with great grief -for Lea had been a great friend to hers- Where Loki had silently begun his grieving before Thor took him to Asgard.

Thor had wanted to take Loila with them but S.H.I.E.L.D. said it would be best for Loila to stay locked up with them till Loki was safely locked away, Odin was ready from Loilas trial, and till Odin, Thor, Loki, and Loila had recovered from the first impact of Lea's death.

They informed him that Loila had suffered greatly from grief and when they tried to give her food by opening the cell door she would not cooperate. Thor had begun to feel guilty as he realized he hadn't seen his sister, but her trial was on Fridays so he knew he would see her soon.

He still questioned if he should've gone with Steve to make sure Loila was still safely locked up after they heard reports that Loki and Lyra, a friend of Loki's, had tried to break Loila out. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had also said they had spotted Leema with them which made Thor uneasy as well as relieved that she was okay.

Thor broke from his thoughts as Tony finally walked in the meeting room with a cup of blueberries in his hand.

"I don't like this. We need to get Leema back," Thor said as he planted his hands on the table.

"There hasn't been any sign of her. We're still looking but it's like they disappeared off the map." Tony explained as he sat down where the rest of the Avengers sat around the meeting table. Dr. Banner nodded in agreement.

"Calm down Thor, we'll find him," Steve reassured him.

"Where could they have gone?" asked Natasha. "I've searched and done a lot but there's no sign of them."

"Well, now that we know that Lyra's with them we need to keep an eye out for that trickster as well," Thor said as he sat back in his chair.

"Leema will be fine. She can handle herself." Tony spoke up as he ate a blueberry.

"This is not the time to be eating blue grapes," Thor said angrily.

"HM? Oh, blueberries."

"I don't care," Thor said gruffly, "Right now I need to know who's ass I have to kick to get Leema back."

"We'll find her Thor," Steve said confidently.

"Yeah well if I find Loki with her I have some business with him I didn't get to attend to when we went up against the Chitauri," Clint said, leaning back in his chair.

Thor stood, lifting his hammer off the table easily. "Well then. I'm going to see what Heimdall may know."

Steve nodded. "We'll keep searching here."

* * *

Thor walked up to Heimdall as he closed the BiFrost. "Welcome home."

"Have you seen them?" Thor asked quickly.

"Of course I have, but only for brief moments."

"What have you seen?"

"Lyra was recently shopping for clothes for Little Miss Leema. I saw them when they went to save Loila. I also know that Loki visited his daughter the night of her birthday."

"So you have nothing on their location?"

"I'm afraid I can't see them, no." Heimdall replied.

"Well, summon me when you do." Thor swung his hammer in a couple of circles then took off to the golden palace, across the beautiful rainbow bridge.

Thor thumped down where Frigga was talking with Odin.

"Mother, Father."

Frigga walked over to Thor with concern. "How is Loila?"

"She is fine. She didn't try to escape. Loki and Lyra were trying to free her but Loila stopped them."

"She persuaded them not to let her free?" Odin walked up.

"Yes, I think she was doing it to protect them as well as not ruin her own trial."

"Indeed. That does sound like her. Making sure others don't get in trouble for her. Indeed that is why she is the Goddess of Loyalty," Odin smiled as he said this.

Thor nodded. "You talk of making me king father, but if anyone deserves that throne it is her."

"I will not talk about that now. Her trial is in a couple of days. Leave me to think boy. Loila's fate must be decided. Now go find my other son and granddaughter. I do not want more tricksters like Loki and Lyra."

Thor nodded. "I assure you, Leema will never be a trickster like her father and godmother."

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now