The Two Loki's

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Leema quickly began to develop a plan. If she could get under his skin she could surely get out of here, but that all went to shit when Past Loki woke her up by walking into her room with a plate of her favorite breakfast: Warm bread and Asgardian Red Berries.

"Oh nooooo," Leema groaned, burying her face in her pillow in an effort to avoid smelling the sweet scent.

Past Loki chuckled and Leema absolutely hated him for it.

Leema sat up and gazed at the plate on her bedside table. "Now that's just cruel," she said, glaring at her Past Father.

Past Loki grinned. "It works."

Leema glared, and seeing no reason to fight the sweet smell, for she couldn't resist for long, and ate the bread and berries quickly.

Past Loki raised a brow, seeming to expect something.

Leema raised a brow in return and hopped off the bed, striding over to him and staring up at him with her head tilted all the way back, and her hands on her hips. "Yes?"

"What do you say?"

Leema looked at him in confusion, then her jaw dropped. "Thank you!? You want me to say THANK YOU!?"

"You're welcome," Past Loki replied with a wink.

"Asshole," Leema murmured under her breath as he picked up the plate. Leema cleared her throat and asked, "Do you have um paint?"

"Paint?" Past Loki looked at her with curiosity. "What for?"

Leema shrugged and said, "I like to paint."

Past Loki seemed hesitant then said, "I guess it wouldn't hurt."

Leema smirked behind his back as he left to go grab the paint. "Oh, but it will hurt your furniture now won't it father."

* * *

When Leema had at least five buckets of pain in front of her and a tarp laid across her floor only then did she set to work. Leema peered out of her room to see her father not there. Leema smirked and poured a bunch of paint into the tarp. She rolled it up and carried it carefully to the oven.

Leema smiled mischievously as she shoved the tarp ball full of liquid paint into the oven and shut it, turning it on.

She giggled as she fled and raced back to her room, putting the paint buckets with extra paint by the door. Now, all she had to do was wait.

* * *

Leema was snoring away when she was suddenly pulled out of bed by a hand on her wrist. Leema screeched and yelled, "What!? What!?"

Leemas vision cleared from the blurriness of sleep as she felt something cold trickling down her arm. Leema gasped and looked up at where Loki was dragging her by her wrist.

He. Was. Covered. In. Paint.

Leema snorted and laughed, unable to help it. He was covered in purple, white, blue, red, green, and yellow paint. She couldn't stop laughing, and it didn't help when he dragged her into the kitchen where the whole place was covered in paint.

Leema fell onto her back, laughing away.

"You think this is funny?" Past Loki barked.

Leema snorted and between laughs said, "" It was in that shameful moment when Leema started making piggy noises as she laughed. Leema slapped a hand over her mouth in surprise.

Past Loki grinned down at her and stormed away.

Leema stared after him but then she gapped when he came back with a mop and pail.

"Um...can I ask what that's for?" Leema asked.

"This is for you too clean this up with while I go shower," he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What! I can't clean this up!" Leema shouted, gazing at the paint covered kitchen.

"You made the mess, now you're going to clean it up," he said firmly and stalked away.

Leema gapped after him then grumbled many curses as she grabbed the mop and began cleaning in fury. When she was able to hear her past father whistling it only infuriated her more.

After about twenty minutes of cleaning she had cleaned the tile floors, although they were now stained all different colors. 

Leema snorted. "Bastard deserves it."

"I was a Bastard wasn't I," a voice said behind her.

Leema swung around with a screech, hitting her father right in the balls with the mop.

Loki bent over and groaned.

Leema stared up at him with wide eyes. "You deserve that!" she spat and stuffed the mop back in the pail. "I'm almost done, alright!"

Loki seemed to regain himself and said, "Leema, it's me, your father."

Leema snorted in reply with her back to him as she began wiping down the counters.

"Leema," Loki said tenderly.

Leema blinked and turned back to him, looking him over closely, sure enough he had dozens of healing scratches. "Oh MY GOD! DAD!" Leema screeched and launched herself at him, dropping the mop.

She clung on to him and Loki stumbled back and laughed. "Hello, my dear," he said.

"THANOS FUCKING KILLED YOU - THE BASTARD!!" Leema screeched. "How...?"

Loki bent down to her level on one knee and sighed. "Language! I'll explain another time, and you better use that nine-year-old mouth of yours better or I'm going to wash it out with soap, Leema."

Leema grunted and smiled beamingly, "Guess some things never change."

Leema looked over his shoulder when she heard a scuffling to see a furious Past Loki. 

"Get away from my daughter," he said.

Loki froze with narrowed eyes. "Hello myself."

Past Loki grunted. "She's with me now."

Loki glared at him over his shoulder as he slowly stood and winked at Leema.

Leema smiled.

Then they launched at each other, throwing punches and daggers.

Leema rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Isn't this weird, your fighting yourself," she muttered.

"Never take my daughter!" Loki yelled as he punched his Past Self in the eye.

Past Loki's head snapped around and he threw an uppercut, sending Loki stumbling.

"Oh for the love of God...," Leema murmured, shaking her head. She launched herself in between them and screamed, "STOP IT!"

They froze momentairly.

"You don't belong here," Leema said, pointing at Past Loki. "So if you don't mind...."

Leema closed her eyes and something shimmered in her hand. The tesseract appeared in her left hand and the time stone in her right. 

"Leema! Don't do what I think you're going to do!" Loki yelled.

"Too late!" Leema said with a smile and leaped at Past Loki. As soon as she touched his arm they whisked away into time.

* * *

Leema stumbled, her vision blurry when she came back to her time after returning Past Loki to his.

Loki raced forward as she fell, catching her in his arms.

"Leema! You could've died...Leema! Leema can you hear me!?" he yelled desperately down at her.

Leema looked up at him as a wave of nausea over took her. Leema managed a smile.

"I think...I think that takes a lot more energy then it seems...," Leema murmured as she fell into unconsciousness, and blacked out.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now