The False Rescue Mission

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Leema was sleeping when she heard voices. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. She yawned then turned her attention to the door of her temporary room in her father's home. She tossed the sheets off her and walked to the door. She twisted the doorknob and to her surprise the door opened.

She smiled then slowly sneaked out, walking down the hall to where the voices are. They were coming from the sitting room. She peaked around the corner and saw her father talking to a woman who had long wavy black hair, dark blue eyes, and she wore the same garment as Loki just instead of the green parts it was blue.

"Are you crazy? We just broke out," the woman said, her arms crossed across her chest.

"We have to help my sister," Loki said, looking as if he was looming over her.

The woman didn't seem intimidated. The woman tapped her foot as if thinking. After a long moment of silence she said, "Fine, I'll help you. It's not like I have a choice anyway and I'm not in the mood to fight you right now."

"Right, because Lyra the Goddess of Trickery isn't tricking me right now."

"You're the God of Mischief, tell me am I tricking you right now?" The woman stared Loki right in the eyes.

Loki dipped his head, "I'll go get Leema she should meet you."

At this Leema quickly raced back to her room and closed the door, leaping in bed. As she heard her father walking down the hall, she closed her eyes, pretending to sleep.

Loki opened the door and walked in. "Leema?" He walked over and sat at the foot of her bed, nudging her. "Lyra's here, why don't you come meet her?"

Leema turned her head and looked at Loki. "Like I wanna meet another criminal." She rolled over, her back to Loki. She thought he was gone after a while, but he surprised her as he picked her up and walked out the door. "Hey!" she shouted.

He carried her down the hall and into the sitting room.

She squirmed as he sat on the opposite sofa of Lyra.

"Yeah, she seems very keen on meeting me," Lyra said sarcastically.

Loki glared at her then looked back at Leema. "Leema, we can't save Loila without Lyra. She can help us a lot. She has magic like us."

"She's the Goddess of Trickery! She'll probably betray you!" Leema protested.

"Not once has Lyra ever betrayed me. She may be the Goddess of Trickery, but she's not a traitor. Plus, betraying me never ends well," he said almost like he was threatening someone.

Leema nodded and calmed down. If she was gonna get away while they were rescuing Loila she was gonna have to accept this person in their "rescue mission."

"Hello, I'm happy to see you're reunited with your father." Lyra smiled, offering a hand.

Leema took it cautiously, shaking her hand.

"Here." Loki suddenly had the outfit from Natasha in his hand. "Put this on."

"Does she have a weapon?" Lyra asked, twirling two daggers that looked like Loki's except with a blue gem in the middle.

"Yes, she has the daggers I gave her. Well, at least the dagger that wasn't taken away by my brother and tin man," Loki scowled.

Leema smiled at the name 'tin man.' She knew he meant Tony and this made her wanna laugh. Instead of laughing she nodded and took the suit, jumping off his lap and raced to her room. She shut the door behind her and quickly changed out of the black nightgown she had been wearing for the past couple days.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now