Second Thoughts

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Yes, Leema wanted to go back home to the Avengers, but did she really? The past couple days had been enjoyable and she had to be honest she was getting attached. Lyra had decided to stay and she helped a lot with pulling pranks on Loki as long as they weren't to try to get him to take her back.

She was beginning to enjoy being with her father. He had begun teaching her more about her magic and how to focus it. It was now Thursday and she had been with her father for a full week, but she felt like it had been for weeks.

She got bored a lot but there was always time to play another trick on her father. She had begun to feel comfortable here, but something caught her attention when she asked Lyra about her mother.

"Lea was a great warrior. She was a Valkyrie. She died saving hundreds in the battle against the Chitauri."

"Wait, what?" Leema looked at her in confusion. "My mother died giving birth to me."

Lyra looked at her. "Is that what Thor told you?"

"No it's what father told me."

Lyra suddenly looked uncomfortable. "He did?" Leema nodded. "Well, never mind that. Come on, we need to go see how we're gonna figure out what happens tomorrow at Loila's trial."

Leema didn't want to go to the sitting room. Lyra seemed uneasy. Leema looked at her questioningly. "What happened to my mother?"

"I'm really not the one to ask," Lyra said, glancing at the door. "Look if your father told you what you know it's for the best."

"No it's not! I want to know what happened! If my mother was alive why was I taken away!?" Leema was angry now. She wanted to know- she needed to know.


"Fine! I'll go see what father has to say myself!" Leema stomped past her and out the door walking straight to the sitting room. She stopped right in front of her father who looked down at her. She looked up with crossed arms like he did and yelled, "You lied! Tell me the truth!"

Loki seemed startled, but he gathered himself and said, "What?"

"About my mother and her death!!" Leema shouted as Lyra came racing up. Loki looked up at Lyra with a glare that clearly said, what did you say?

"Leema..., darling...."

"No! I wanna know the truth." Leema planted her feet, not at all intimidated by her father as he stood over her.

"Your mother..., she died in the war against the Chitauri. She saved many."

"So it's your fault! If you hadn't brought the Chitauri to New York in the first place she would be alive! Why was I taken away from you guys!?"

"Because when I tried to get the throne to find you after Thor had taken you away because both me and Lea had broken a law or two before Thor decided you couldn't live with your mother either so he made it official and you were to live there and never see Lea and I again. Lea had seen the wrong in my faults, she always could and when she fought me on the rainbow bridge I knew I would have to get you back myself and fell back into the black hole. Lea was heartbroken, I should never have done such a thing.

Then when she heard of me on Midgard she came. We were reunited but she didn't agree with me trying to rule Earth either and I pushed her away. She fought against the Chitauri and she saved many citizens for her own life. She died a hero."

Leema looked at him with wide eyes then the anger filled her once more and she screamed, "She's dead because of you!" Leema ran back to her room and slammed the door, wishing she had never begun to think that perhaps she would stay here, wishing she could go home.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now