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Leema was shoved into the cell by some guards then the yellow force field went back up. "Watch it," she spat, "I've been tied to a bed for five days and I don't like being shoved around." She turned back to see Loki, Rinolo, and Lyra all comfortably spread out on some furniture around the cell.

She ran to Loki first, her bitterness towards the guards gone as she hugged him. She felt his chin rest on her head as he wrapped his arms around her. Lyra smiled, putting the book she was reading down.

Leema looked over at Rinolo guiltily, whose face had a couple cuts and bruises.

"Sorry...about that."

"No worries, I can deal with a few cuts," he said, shrugging.

Leema stared at him. Seriously? She was trying to apologize and he was gonna act like he didn't care? Fine, so be it.

She turned back to Loki. "I couldn't get Thor to let you out, but obviously he let me come here so you can help me."

Loki wasn't looking at her face though. He was looking down at her wrists which were bruised from when she had been tied down.

"Someone's gonna pay for that," Loki growled.

"I'm fine," Leema insisted, "Now, I would like to get my new abilities under control before I end up destroying Asgard or Midgard."

The rest of the day she spent in her shadow form, working on bending the shadows to her will. She didn't want to take the risk of turning into her full shadow form in fear of losing control again.

"Keep these two things in mind," Rinolo said slowly, "If you can control your emotions you can control the shadow. If you focus you won't get lost in the confusion of the shadow. Understand?"

Leema had gotten used to him talking to her like a four year old so she just nodded and said, "Got it." She looked out to see guards approaching and immediately threw her arms around Loki, knowing they were here to take her back. "If you ever get out of here, come get me," she whispered.

"Don't worry I'll see you tomorrow." Loki leaned down and she could feel his breath on her ear as he whispered, "I'll come tonight to make sure they aren't still treating you poorly."

Leema nodded as she stood back up and she waved a goodbye to Lyra as she walked out when the yellow force field was down.

* * *

Lyra watched her go then sat back down on the couch.

"What a sweet little thing," Rinolo spat, "It's a shame she lets herself be fed up by your lies."

"They aren't lies," Loki spat back.

"Like I believe the shit that comes out of your mouth." Rinolo propped his foot up on the wall behind him.

Lyra groaned. It had been like this till Leema had got here and now that she was gone, sure enough they were at each other's throats again.

"Your fantasy of becoming a king caused mothers death. Are you blinded by the own lies you tell yourself and others to see that!?"

"I came to Midgard with Lea to find Leema. When she found out in order to do that I had to rule Midgard she misunderstood and sided with Thor. In the end Loila also sided with Thor when she saw that in order to take the throne I had to bring in an army so I could find Leema after I got the throne... she misunderstood as well," Loki explained.

"What BULL CRAP!" Rinolo rolled his eyes as he rolled his head back.

"You roll your eyes far enough you'll find your brain," Lyra shot at him with a glare.

"Whatever. What I would like to know is where Ingrid is and what they're gonna do to her." Rinolo looked out around the other cells.

"They probably got Midgard's agents from S.H.I.E.L.D. experimenting on her. She would've been a great help for Leema so she could learn to fly," Lyra pointed out.

"Your idiotic idea of kidnapping Leema without a plan got us all into this mess," Rinolo growled, turning on Loki once more.

Lyra felt like banging her head against the wall repeatedly. She couldn't bear their father and son drama much longer.

"I wasn't gonna let my daughter rot in her room with the great Avengers when I could take her somewhere else," Loki hissed.

"Oh? So suddenly you would go looking for your daughter, but you wouldn't look for your own son?" Rinolo glared.

Lyra was confused and slightly hurt seeing them fight. Based on what she had been told by Loki he and his son had had a strong relationship when Rinolo was a boy. How had it fallen to this?

The guys were now at it again; shouting and yelling at each other. Loki now had a dagger tight in his grip and Rinolo's eyes were red.

"Enough!" Lyra couldn't restrain herself, she was tired of this: It was like two brothers arguing non stop. "SHUT THE HELL UP!! Both of you!! I'm tired of this shit! Four days I've put up with it. Four days! Well I'm done! So pull on your big boy pants and pull your asses together!! My gods!" Lyra turned her back to them and walked away, lying down on the bed.

Loki looked astonished and Rinolo just stared. Rinolo's eyes turned to normal and the two gods sat on opposite sides of the room, casting savage glares at one another.

The room wasn't filled with there arguing anymore, now the room was silent and Lyra was relieved, it was the first moment of silence she had gotten since she was put in the cell with the two.

Lyra would've preferred her own cell, but something about how Asgards dungeons were full or something put a stop to that.

"Leema, a goddess at nine years of age...." Rinolo said quietly.

Lyra was still on edge and she looked over her shoulder and hissed, "Does it matter? I became a goddess at eight."

Loki and Rinolo exchanged a glance saying, woman and their moods.... Rinolo hesitated and broke his gaze with Loki.

Lyra turned back and closed her eyes, she was determined to get her sleep while the silence lasted.......... But it didn't as the yelling rose again.

"Would you two give it a rest!" Lyra shoved the pillow over her head and groaned, preparing for another long day.

* * *

As Leema walked away she heard yelling between her father and brother and wondered how Lyra put up with it. She smiled as she walked with the guards. They approached the Rainbow Bridge and Thor was there waiting for them

"Uncle Thor!" Leema ran up to him. "You won't believe what I learned. Look watch this!" She blew the shadows out of her hand and in front of her it swirled up to the shape of a horse. The red eyed horse rose its long neck, its mane of shadows slightly dripping like tar.

"That's amazing, oh can you make a unicorn?" He asked.


"A unicorn. You know, the horses with the longhorn- never mind."

Leema smiled and laughed. The shadow bent down as she got on at her command. She made another shadow and bent it into reins and took them in her hand. "Race you!" She called then urged the horse on who bolted like a bullet.

"To the land of shadows!" She called out playfully. Surprisingly she screamed as something opened in front of her, a black hole. The horse ran right in and she screeched. She looked around her eyes wide. She was somewhere else and she couldn't see how to get home. What she had mistaken wasn't real was real. She was in the Land of Shadows.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now