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Lyra watched Tony. "Stark, please," Lyra said. "This is great, really. You have a wife, kids, but we all lost all of that, and you're saying you won't help us get it back?"

"Yes," Tony said. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

Lyra winced.

Lily was hiding behind his legs and Tony held Morgan in his arms. "Look, I really wish you guys had come for something else. Anything else."

Rinolo sighed as he walked away. "So that's it."

"No, that's not it," Steve said.

"We're gonna need a bigger brain," Lyra said quietly, and rubbed her temples.

Scott looked at her in disbelief. "Bigger than his?"

* * *

Lyra watched Hulk/Banner closely as he assembled the time travel machine. They had persuaded him to help them, but Lyra was not so sure about this. 

Somehow, Banner had managed to bring both Hulk and Banner together in one. And it was very weird.

"Are you ready for this?" Lyra asked, turning to Scott who was dressed in what looked like armor.

"I was born ready," Scott said.

"Oh dear," Rinolo said, "We're all gonna die, aren't we?"

Lyra gave him a glare. "Oh, be quiet."

Rinolo grunted.

Scott did a little jump as he stood before the time machine in the ugly van. 

"Alright, I'm gonna send you back for a minute and then bring you back, understand?" Banner/Hulk explained.

Scott nodded. "Right."

"Scott," Steve said. "Good luck."

Scott smiled. "Thanks Cap."

"Alright, sending on three. One..., two..., three!" with that Scott disappeared as Banner pulled down the lever and pressed different buttons. Finally, he said, "Retrieving in one, two, three!"

"What the hell?" Lyra said.

An old man had appeared.

"Where's Scott?" Steve said. "Get Scott!"

"Alright, Alright!" Banner/Hulk said frantically then Scott disappeared and reappeared again as a boy.

"Bring him back," Natasha said.

"I'm trying!" Banner said.

This time, a baby appeared.

Lyra blinked.

"It's a baby," Steve breathed.

"It's Scott!" Banner said.

"AS A BABY!" Steve yelled, looking over his shoulder at him.

"Well, didn't say I didn't warn you," Rinolo said.

Banner tried again and this time Scott came back and the whole room relaxed.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now