Avengers Endgame (Part One)

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Lyra was about to break the news when Tony held up the tesseract and said, "We got it."

Lyra exhaled in relief then furrowed her eyebrows, looking at Clint as he slumped to the ground. Lyra glanced at Rinolo, whose eyes were dim.

"Where's Nat?" Banner asked.

Everyone seemed to know what this meant. Benner fell to his knees and banged his fist against the machine, causing a sad echo.

* * *

Lyra gazed out onto the water. She didn't know Natasha like family, but she had been nice company while Lyra stayed at the Avengers Facility. Hel had visited and returned Leema's necklace, putting her search to an end. Apparently Loki's light had lit up then died again.

"Did she have any family?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, us," Steve said.

"We can get her back," Thor said.

"No, we can't," Clint said, "It should've been me." He looked away.

"There has to be some way we can bring her back," Thor protested.

As Lyra watched the water lap at the wood of the docks she said, "We can't bring her back. She didn't die from Thanos's snap. Like Loki, we can't bring her back, they're gone."

"Well-" Thor began.

"She's not coming back!" Clint interrupted angrily. "Why don't you go speak to the floating red guy!? Right, why don't you go take your hammer and go talk to him!"

Banner let out a shout and tore up the bench, throwing it far in the distance. He blinked and said sadly, "She's not coming back."

Lyra glanced at them and said, "We owe it to her to bring the others back."

Steve looked up. "Then let's do just that."

* * *

Everyone gazed at the glove that Tony had finished assembling.

"Well? Who's going to snap their frickin' fingers?" Rocket asked, gazing around.

Thor stepped forward. "It has to be me."

Everyone immediately stepped forward to block him.

Lyra stepped up besides Tony and said, "You're in no state to be doing anything of the sort."

"Just let me do something right for once," he said painfully. "Do you know what's coursing through my veins right now?"

"Cheese whiz?" Roadie offered. He hadn't even moved, rubbing his chin.

Thor shot a glare at him then said, "Lightning."

"It has to be me," Banner said suddenly.

Everyone turned.

"That amount of power would kill you all." He stepped forward.

No one made a move to stop him. Roadie's suit came on, as did Tony's. Lyra created her own forcefield in front of her and Rinolo with her magic.

"Friday, do me a favor and lock down the facility," Tony said.

"Yes boss," Friday replied.

The facility went dark as it went lockdown mode. Lyra's eyes glowed blue as she watched Banner pick up the glove that seemed to glow. She held her breath as he slipped it on, letting out a roar of pain.

"Banner, you okay?" Steve asked concerningly.

"Yeah, yeah, I can do this," Banner replied.

Lyra watched as the power of the Infinity Stones zapped up his arm. He raised his hand and let out a hurt yell. There was a flash of light as he snapped his fingers.

The Facility was filled with light again. Lyra's heart beat in her chest as Rinolo kicked away the glove. She let her force field go down as she saw them tending to Banner.

Scott slowly walked out and a ringing came from Clint's phone. Lyra choked as her eyes widened, she was sure to sob. Lyra's hand slipped into her pocket and pulled out Leema's necklace slowly. A tear dripped down her face. Leema's and Loila's light were beaming again.

Lyra almost let out a cry, but then the whole place burst into rubble and Lyra blacked out.

* * *

Lyra rubbed her head and looked up at Steve. "Something's come up," he said, offering his hand.

Lyra let him help her hoist to her feet. Her clothes flickered into armor as she stumbled forward. Lyra's eyes widened as she walked up to stand by Thor and Tony. Thanos sat, watching them.

"What the hell is he doing....?" Lyra asked.

"Absolutely nothing," Thor said, "Just to be clear does anyone care that he's from the past?"

"No, I still don't have a problem kicking his ass," Tony said.

"Neither do I," Lyra said and her daggers flashed as they appeared in her hands, her blue eyes now flashing.

Lyra raced forward and leaped at Thanos, daggers gleaming. She was winded as she was knocked aside. She rubbed the blood dripping from her nose then scrambled back up.

"Cap, boost," she said. Steve seemed to get what she meant as she raced forward, and he squatted, shield over his head. She leaped on it and he pushed her up with all his might.

She landed on Thano's shoulders and delivered a hard blow to his ear. He roared and she was flung back, crashing through many rocks. Light beams and lightning lighting up her gaze.

She managed to get up again but was knocked down by Cap's shield. "What the fuck, Steve!" Lyra managed to say crossly before coughing up blood.

Her arm was cut, blood trickled from her left eyebrow, clouding her vision in her left eye, blood dripped from her nose, and her legs felt like jelly.

Lyra winced as she reached for her daggers, wanting to help Steve as Thanos advanced on him. Steve was wielding Thor's hammer, which shocked Lyra a little, but that was not what she was thinking about right now.

Lyra coughed again and fell back, helplessly watching. She touched the blood that soaked her armor at her gut and realized that's where Captain's shield had hit her.

Lyra closed her eyes for a minute. "I die, I die fighting. For Natasha. For Asgard. For Nari. For Leema. For Loila. For Midgard....For Loki...."

Lyra coughed again as her blood stained hands touched the ground, pushing her up. For Loki, For Loki, For Leema, For Loila, For Loki, she kept thinking as she urged herself on. She stood and managed to drag herself to Steve's side, facing the giant army with him.

Lyra knew this would be there death, but she would die fighting. Lyra blinked at Steve when a voice said something in the earphone that surprisingly still sat in her ear.

"On your left."

Lyra managed a weak smile and turned as the portal open. Lyra watched as Falcon flew out with Leema and Ingrid on his tail.. Loila walked out with Groot, Wanda, and Bucky.

"You miss me?" Leema laughed.

"Yes I did kiddo, yes I did," Lyra said.

Lyra watched as Peter Parker, Quill, Drax, Mantis, and Dr. Steven Strange came out of another portal. Wakanda Warriors came out of many others, heroes gathering. Lyra watched as shadows erupted from the ground, summoned by Leema.

Thor and Tony came up to stand besides Steve and Lyra. Ingrid and Leema thumped down on either side of them and Loila walked up and joined them, nodding to Thor.

Steve turned to Thanos as Scott erupted from the ground, and out from his hand jumped Rocket, Banner, Roadie, and Rinolo. Rinolo's eyes were red and Lyra let her eyes return to their flashing state, covering her wounds with an illusion for the time being.

Lyra's daggers appeared in Lyra's hands as Thor's hammer raced into Steve's hand and he said, "Avengers....assemble."

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