Many Emotions

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Minutes passed that seemed like hours. Demetri and Eli sat on the taller male's bed quietly. Eli's face was flushed and he refused to make eye contact with his best friend. Demetri would look at his wooden bedroom floor then back at his friend for the past couple of minutes. Suprisingly the one who broke the silence wasn't the talking expert but it was none other than Eli.

"C-can I..." Eli shyly pointed at Demetri's lips. "T-try to k-kiss you."

Demetri's eyebrow rose showing he was surprised by Eli.

"I-I didn't practice." Eli's voice was barely audible. "I.. d-didnt kiss and you did..."

Demetri nodded at his friend. "That was part of our deal wasn't it?"

"Y-yes but j-just practice right?"

"Duhh." Demetri combed the hair out of his face with his fingers. "I'm not gay Eli. I just don't want to seem like more of a virgen than I already am in front of a female."

"O-okay." Eli awkwardly leaned in towards Demetri.

Demetri did the same while tilting his head to the right. Eli mimicked him as he inched closer. Demetri noticed Eli's shyness causing him to place his hand behind his head and gently push him closer. Eli shut his eyes tightly causing Demetri to smile but he held back a laugh to not make Eli feel bad as he was nervous already. They could feel each other's hot breath on their lips. That's when Demetri closed his eyes too and Eli peeked to see if he was ready. He was. Finally their lips met causing Eli to jolt slightly but he didn't pull away. The first kiss was more of a peck than anything, to test the waters. Then Demetri fully leaned into another kiss, with more feeling. He let his arms wrap around Eli's waist. Eli's lips were soft but extremely stiff. Demetri noticed Eli's nervousness and decided to nibble at Eli's bottom lip to help Eli loosen up. Eli's lip quivered at Demetri's soft bites. He took a deep breath before loosening up. His lips were no longer as stiff as before and Demetri tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Eli decided to mimic what Demetri did and tried to nibble on his lip. However Eli bit down too hard causing Demetri to pull away.

"Oww!" Demetri grimaced and placed his hand on his lip.

"I-I'm s-sorry!!!" Eli had a worried expression. "Are y-you okay?!"

"Yeah, Count Dracula." Demetri replied sarcastically as he massaged his lip. "Nearly bit my lip off."

No response came from the other teen. He sat there awkwardly staring at his best friend.

"Am I bleeding?" He pointed towards the slightly swollen area.

Eli shook his head.

"Jeez it feels like you cut it." Demetri sighed. "That's gonna leave an ugly mark."

"At least it-it won't be as bad as mine." Eli mumbled.

Instant regret appeared on Demetri's face. "Eli I didn't mean it like-"

"N-no it's fine." Eli stood up. "I have to use the bathroom." Eli quickly walked out of the room leaving Demetri alone with guilt.

"Crap.." Demetri hit his forehead with his palm. "Always saying things without thinking."

Meanwhile Eli was in the bathroom. He was overwhelmed with emotions. Sadness. Embarrassment. Confusion. But also Happiness. He didn't know how to deal with all of it. Sadness because of what Demetri said. Embarrassed over messing up. Confused about their situation. Happy for what? He felt warmth with Demetri normally but when they kissed, he felt a stronger feeling. A feeling of security but also excitement. Was he happy about kissing Demetri? How? Am I gay? Eli thought to himself. No I can't be. I like girls and think they're pretty... like that Moon girl. Still, Eli was in doubt. Maybe he was confused because Demetri is the only person to show him love, comfort and just kindness in general. We're best friends. That's all. Eli argued with himself. Plus Deme is not gay. He just needs to practice. Eli needed to practice as well, especially with that bite incident earlier. Why was his heart pounding so hard though? Eli took a deep breath as he gripped onto the part of his hoodie by his chest. What would dad say if I was gay? Eli shivered at the thought. Mom will have to defend me again and-

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