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The Halloween weekend flew by and the two best friends spent it watching scary movies together and playing Five nights a Freddy's which Eli was a fan of but also a huge crybaby when playing it. Miguel had assured the two teens on Sunday over text that he was fine. They found it hard to believe but they were soon relieved to see that this was true with their own eyes at lunch on Monday. Miguel didn't want to talk about it then, but he couldn't avoid Eli and Demetri's questions by the time study hall rolled around at the end of the day. Demetri's teacher was absent so he followed Eli and Miguel to the library. Miguel told them a shorter version of what had happen that night. The two teens couldn't help but feel guilty and embarrassed for not sticking around to help him. Eli felt like the worst friend ever and so did Demetri.

"So that's it?" Demetri asked Miguel. "No more karate?"

"I guess so..." Miguel replied miserably.

"It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence." Demetri said with a shrug.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Questioned Miguel.

"No!" Demetri replied sternly. "What has confidence ever gotten anybody but a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?"

Eli and Demetri were best friends but he felt that his friend was way too pessimistic sometimes. This was clearly not helping Miguel feel any better. That's when Eli decided to chime in. "Well I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler."

"Are you insane?" Demetri's loud response made Eli jolt slightly in his seat. "Let me ask you..." he continued. "What is the best superpower anyone could have?"

Super strength, Eli thought. It was as though Miguel had read his mind. "Super Strength." He responded with confidence.

"Wrong!" Demetri snapped. "Invisibility. A distant second would be super speed. To run away fast."

Eli was already back to his homework when he felt a hard slap on his back. "To run away from who?" Kyler asked leaning down to their level.

"Whom." Brucks corrected. "We learned this in English class."

While Kyler took a second to let that sink in, Eli shoved his papers into his bag standing up abruptly in hopes they could run away.

"We were just leaving!" Miguel said hurriedly.

Eli was walking away when Kyler grabbed him by his neck and pulled him back aggressively. "Hey where you going?"

Then Kyler's hand was on Eli's face gripping onto him roughly. Eli forgot how to breathe.

"Look at this freak. Oh, shit!" Kyler taunted while Brucks cackled. "What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?" Kyler said and Eli winced as he thought about what he had told his mom about never getting a girlfriend and the many times Demetri had told him that he didn't mind kissing him. Did Demetri lie to me to make me feel good? I'll never get a girlfriend either. Why do I even practice? It probably grosses Demetri out.

Miguel then with all his might spoke up. "Leave him alone, Kyler."

Then Eli was reminded that he hadn't done the same for Miguel. What kind of friend am I? I'm just the worst in every single way. Eli's thoughts darken as Kyler shoved Eli away and he was relieved until Brucks shoved Miguel and there was nothing he could do except watch completely paralyzed.

"You haven't had enough rhea?"

Do something Eli! Defend him! Stop being a pussy! Eli help him! So much he wanted to do but he did so little.

"Get the hell outta here, man!" Kyler said as he shoved Miguel even harder.

Miguel and Demetri began to walk away and Eli dodged his way through the bookshelves, but not without one final hard shove from Brucks. Eli ran passed Miguel leaving him and Demetri behind. He made his way to the nearest bathroom which was luckily empty since the bell rang. He locked himself in the last stall like he usually did. Tears fell quietly down his cheeks and he didn't try to wipe them away because there was no one here to judge him. He was so sick and tired. So sick and tired of everything. I'm worthless. I am ugly. I can't be a good friend. I forced Demetri to kiss me. I am the worst person. I should just disappear. Everyone hates me and so do I. I hate myself so much!

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