Hawk Eyes

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It was late, way too late for Hawk... well Eli to be out and about in the streets. However, since this was Hawk it didn't really matter because Hawk had no rules. Kind of. It was already 8 pm and he had no plans of going home just yet. He stopped by the store that he had bought the Manic Panic hair dye from. He looked around to look for some cool clothes to buy. Lots of dark and edgy clothing caught his attention as he rummaged through the clothing rackets.

"Hey you're the kid from last week!" It was the guy who suggested buying the hair dye to him. "Your hair looks fucking sick!"

Hawk smirked at the compliment. "Thanks man."

"You here looking for more bad ass stuff?" He asks.

"Yeah." Nods the teen. "Trying to be as bad ass as I possibly can."

"Nice, how old are you anyway?"


"When I was about your age I got my first tattoo."

Immediately he piqued Hawk's interest. "Really?"

"Yeah," the guy then points at a tattoo on his arm. It was a scorpion which looked extremely bad ass. "This bad boy right here."

"Awesome!" Hawk's eyes sparkled as he studied the tattoo. "I wish I could get one."

"Well..." the guy lowers his voice so other customers don't hear. "I may know a guy who does tattoos without asking for ID."


"Yeah I can totally hook you up for tomorrow." The man pulls his phone out. "You in?"

"Hell yeah I am!"


"Where in hell were you last night, Eli?" Demetri nearly slams his tray of food on the lunch table. "Your mom was calling me the entire night!"

"Hawk!" Hawk corrects him as he rolls his eyes. "And I was busy."

"Doing what?" Demetri asks curiously.

"Getting shit done." He clicks his tongue before taking a sip of his milk.

Demetri shakes his head. "Isn't your mom upset?"

"Yeah," Hawk pouted slightly but attempted to hide it by smiling once more. "But she'll get over it."

Before Demetri could respond to that, Miguel and Aisha sat at their table. Hawk looks up at the two and jolts his head up, greeting them.

"Sup." Miguel says as he sits and Aisha follows.

"Sup man." Hawk's smile widens causing Demetri's chest to sting a little.

"Today we get those new uniforms." Aisha says cheerfully. "We're gonna have the cobra on the back!"

"Like Miguel's?" Hawk asks happily.

"Just like mine." Miguel winks.

Demtri felt his stomach twist and turn upon seeing Hawk and Miguel's interaction. They seemed to be getting close and to be quite honest it was pissing Demetri off. Why? He wasn't sure but his scowl was very noticeable. Miguel tilts his head to one side. "Demetri, everything okay?"

"Yeah totally!" Demetri said trying his best not to sound sarcastic. It didn't work. "I'm feeling fantastic!"

Hawk raises his left eyebrow as he looked over at his friend. "You're a bad liar."

"And so are you, Eli!" Demetri spat.

"Hawk!" He corrected aggressively.

"Oh, excuse me!" Demetri waves his hands up. "My bad for addressing you by your birth name!"

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