Switching Styles

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So... Miyagi Do.

The moment had to come. Eli had really meant to quit karate. After all the show he had made of himself, an attack by the Cobra Kai had brought him full circle and back to prey, with neither energy nor will to fight. But a conversation with Demetri had brought him back, though not to the same as before. Eli no longer found anything of the Hawk in himself.

And now he had Miguel in front of him, leaning on the next locker, looking at him with a smile of understanding everything. He had given him his space and now Eli was in another dojo. He closed his own locker before facing him.

"Look, I-I'm sorry, it's...

Before he could say anything, Miguel nodded.

"No I understand. I wonder why you didn't join sooner."

In a way, he knew what he meant but at the same time he wondered what he was insinuating.

"What do you mean?" He asked, feeling his almost bare head once more as a way of being exposed.

"You want to make it up to Demetri." Miguel replied. "I get it. Heck you may even be champion."

Eli shook his head instantly. "I don't have the same energy as before, you know? I came back for Demetri. He wanted us to do this together."

He owed Demetri a lot, he was well aware of that. However, Miguel looked at him suspiciously, as if he knew that there was more to what he was saying. They began to walk together down the hall, although they were in different dojos they were still sharing classes after the union.

"Your strength wasn't in your hair, you know that, right?" Miguel commented after a moment.

Eli smiled weakly.

"Yes, I know. I just... I don't know if I want it back. I think now I need other things..."

He didn't know how to put them into words. Hawk had been much more eloquent than Eli, but it had been a role. A dash. A facade. Now that he had been found out and he had to be himself again it was very difficult, because he didn't know who he was.

Miguel put a hand on his shoulder.

"Like Demetri?"

Eli blushed, he could not deny that and lowered her head, receiving for all answer a soft squeeze from Miguel's hand on his shoulder. "You should tell him, Eli."

"Tell him what?" Eli stopped in his tracks.

"If there's anything you need to say," Miguel stopped a few steps away from him. "You can practice with me."

"B-but..." Eli tilted his head quizzically. "I don't understand."

Miguel smiles sweetly. "Think about Mr. LaRusso's teachings and apply them to yourself."

Eli got the impression that Miguel had really liked training with Mr. LaRusso as well, but he was too loyal to even think about leaving Eagle Fang, he wouldn't dare even hint at it. But at least he didn't seem to have a problem that his choice had been different. He wondered what he meant exactly with revealing something to Demetri and to practice with the other. Was Miguel catching on to Eli? He wasn't sure but he knew that Miguel knew something that not even he was aware of. It was quite startling but he was sure Miguel wouldn't use this against him.


When preparing for the different categories of the tournament, Demetri stayed with the weapon demonstrations. Eli had thought he would stick to katas, but he had seen him train and he was really good. He, for his part, faced with Mr. LaRusso's question of which one he would feel comfortable with, was left with breaking tables. He had already done it in Cobra Kai, right? He was really good at it too so that is his decision.

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