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Trigger warning!!! Mention of blood and graphic depictions of violence! Please read with caution. Also a change in the story from the actual series.

Once again just like at the school; destruction, catastrophe and madness ensued after Tory's words. As expected Tory, Hawk and the rest of the Cobras struck first while Miyagi Do and now Eagle Fang stayed loyal to their Sensei's teachings only defending themselves. The Cobras began to attack the Miyagi Dos and Eagle Fangs they had issues with. Hawk went for the teens closest to him punching and kicking them into place. Demetri avoided Hawk at all costs, he did not want him to break or fracture any other part of his body. He wondered if the restraining order his mother talked about was set to go because if that's the case Hawk could be taken by the police if caught. The odd thing was that Hawk didn't pursue Demetri almost ignoring his existence. He was not one to complain over this but it did make him wonder what Hawk's end goal was.

Demetri defended against several attacks from the Cobras and from afar he could see Miguel taking a beating from Kyler. He wanted to go help his friend but it was nearly impossible without going near Hawk or having the others stop him. Sam and Tory were nowhere to be found and that itself was worrisome, knowing how Tory made Sam feel.

Hawk had no interest in fighting Miguel or Demetri. He still had some respect for Miguel and as for Demetri, he wasn't sure but he told himself he already learned his lesson. The other Cobras could easily take care of him but if he did cross paths with him he will do what he needs to.

Demetri blocked various punches and kicks, even landing a few himself.

"You ain't shit pussy." A Cobra spat.

Demetri connects his fist with the Cobra's chin, "Funny coming from the one getting his shit kicked in."

"Get him!" The Cobra sneered.

Two other Cobras ran towards Demetri. "Shit!" He cursed before running away from the three teens who were now chasing behind him.

Demetri ran to the other side of the house searching for a place to escape or hide. Nothing, nowhere to hide. He turns to go back to his friends for help however he was met with three furious teens with Cobra Kai merch. He began to quake fearing what would happen to him next. One of the teens looks over to the wall spotting an adorned Wakizashi hanging on the wall. An enormous grin forms on his features, without hesitation he reaches for the dwarfish blade. Oh God no. Demetri backed away shaking his head in disbelief and utter dread.

"Clearly, you didn't learn your lesson from the arcade." The bigger teen unsheathed the blade observing the shine on it indicating it's never been touched. "Maybe we should give the honors to Hawk."

"Or you could impress him." Responded the ebony haired Cobra beside him. "Hawk is our best fighter. We can earn his respect."

"Slash him!" The third cheered eagerly. "Just do it yourself!"

"N-no wait," Demetri raised his hands in defeat as he backed into the wall. "I-I can leave or join you guys.. I-I'll do whatever you want just please don't."

"So you're a pussy and disloyal to your dojo." He gripped the sword in his hand. "Pathetic!"

Hawk had finished off a random traitor without much of a challenge. He notices Kyler viciously fighting Miguel and he could only stand and watch as he tossed his fragile old friend onto the harsh marble kitchen floor. Kyler  confidently marches over to Hawk extending his arm for a handshake which Hawk absentmindedly took.

"Yeah!" Kyler cheered. "Pussy didn't stand a chance!"

Hawk watched as Kyler insults and degrades Miguel as he is crawling away in pain. It made Hawk physically sick to see, he could feel the bile rise from the back of his throat. He takes a good look around to see everyone fighting, seeing his old friends hurt, watching his so called new friends beat down others without any mercy. Why did it feel so wrong? Why was this making Hawk so unwell? Everything slowed in Hawk's eyes and it made the images all the more terrifying, monsters terrorizing teens all for the same ridiculous reason, to prove their loyalty to their dojo and seek revenge. Was this worth it?  Who does Hawk even have left to fight for? Miguel is gone. Assface is gone. Aisha is gone. Moon is gone. Bert is gone. Nate is gone. Sensei Lawrence is gone. Demetri is gone. They're all gone. Who am I fighting for? Myself? It couldn't be for himself if this felt so amiss. In fact he lost the most important thing in all of this. He lost himself.

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