It's all fun and games until...

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Days of schools passed by rapidly it was already Wednesday. Demetri had slept over Eli's house everyday this week. They shared the bed exchanging kisses but nothing as far as what they did last time. Eli's father was home for about only an hour each day so it wasn't too bad for Eli, plus Demetri was there and Mr. Moskowitz wouldn't try anything too daring. He would occasionally yell at Eli but they were soon dismissed when Demetri reminded him of that fake coding project they had to complete. It was already Thursday, and the week was almost over which is amazing news for the two teens. They were tired of Kyler, Brucks and the rest of the goons teasing and bullying them all week. It was finally lunch time which was both the best and the worst part of the day. It all depended on the day and on the bullies moods. The duo made their way into the cafeteria and it seems like there was a serious situation happening. It was Kyler. Of course it was because who else would be making a scene? He, Eli, and Miguel arrived at their usual table while Kyler was announcing to the entire lunch room that Sam had been involved in rather erotic activities. Whether that was true or not, Eli didn't know but Demetri always assumed that rumors about other people were true. People in the cafeteria gasped and laughed. Eli felt a pang of sympathy for her. He knew what it was like to be mocked in front of other students in his grade. Still, Eli stood back and watched while Demetri did the same. Miguel angrily placed his food on the table they sat at and walked over to Kyler.

"Hey, Kyler!" Miguel called out.

His two friends watched in horror as Miguel started picking up a brand new fight with the infamous Kyler. Eli couldn't bare to watch or even sit down while Miguel stumped towards the bully.

"Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" Miguel continued. Eli began to silently pray that Miguel was going to walk away, but he had to admit that he was impressed. It took a lot courage and to plainly put it, balls, to go up to Kyler in front of everyone in their grade. The duo continued to stare and did nothing while Kyler shoved Miguel. "Want another beat down, Rhea?"

"I'm ready for your lame ass karate this time." Kyler said with another shove.

Eli began to shake and Demetri notices. Things were about to turn ugly.

Miguel regained his balance. "It's not lame ass karate." Miguel blocked Kyler's swing and pinned his arm.

"It's Cobra Kai!" Miguel finished and punched Kyler in the nose.

Eli's jaw dropped as Miguel's fist made contact with Kyler's face. That was sick!
So the fight began and Eli watched in a mix of horror and awe as Kyler and Miguel fought what seemed to be a fairly evenly matched fight. The second that Miguel had an upper hand, Aisha stood up and yelled, encouraging him. "No Mercy!"

Demetri was just as surprised as Eli and turned to see his best friend's reaction. He could see Eli's watching in admiration which made Demetri's chest sting slightly but this was indeed amazing. They watched their friend take on one, two, three, then four people and was winning. Finally Miguel hit Kyler one last time with an empty tray causing him to fall defeatedly. He was on top of the table while people cheered and clapped happily for him. Demetri and Eli cheering loudest of all clapping and whistling for his best friend's victory. And what a victory it was.

"Deme..." Eli stopped clapping and looked over at his best friend. "I seriously think we should reconsider joining karate."

For once, Demetri didn't disagree with this plan. He simply nodded in agreement. "Well time to learn to kick some ass." Demetri nudges his elbow on Eli's arm.


School was over and the duo joined the ever growing crowd outside of the Cobra Kai dojo. Some kids that Eli and Demetri shared classes with were there including the small blonde teen with glasses and Nate from computers.

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