Waited for so long

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Eli had always carried a weight on his shoulders whether it was the torments of his father, the ridiculing from his classmates, or his inner thoughts.
For most of his life, Eli carried heavy stones that sunk him like an anchor to a boat. However there was a burden the he had kept for a while deep within his heart. This burden he didn't even know was
a burden until he finally figured it out. This was something he most likely felt his entire life and had no idea. At least he knew now. He was gay, and the fear of rejection and judgment held him back from being true to himself. He was always this way but to make matters worst he wasn't only gay. His closest friend, Demetri, had been there since Eli's earliest memories. They had shared secrets, fun-filled adventures, and supported each other through life's ups and downs. Despite their unbreakable bond, Eli couldn't ignore the growing desire he felt towards Demetri, a longing that consumed his thoughts day and night. He loved him the way a lover would and that's not what binary brothers do.

It was finally evening, 6:55 to be exact and Eli knew he had to go to that park, their park. If he didn't go now it would only haunt him further. He needed to let him know for his sake and his friends. The tournament was coming up and he needed to make sure everything was normal or at least as close to normal as it can be. Eli dragged himself to the destination.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting golden hues across their favorite spot by the swings on the bench, Demetri was already there waiting impatiently. Eli gathered up all of his courage and made his way over to Demetri and sat beside him. The both of them avoided each other's gaze and stare at the floor and their shoes. Eli's heart raced, palms sweaty, as he prepared to bare his soul to his best friend. He couldn't. He was used his best friend speaking first. No words came from either of them and there was an eerie silence at the park. Only the sounds of the cicadas chirping could be heard coming from the trees.

This was unbearable and Eli couldn't take it. He could not do it. His shaken breaths became short and heavy in seconds. Demetri glanced at his anxious friend who was on verge of a panic attack. Not again. Demetri thought. He couldn't let this become a traumatic moment for his best friend. He already has too many of those. The dark haired teen places his hand on Eli's could ones, intertwining his fingers in the process. This caught Eli off guard distracting him from his tormenting thoughts.

"Eli," Demetri spoke softly. "You remember our promise?"

Eli looked over at his friend who was staring at their hands.

"We promised to always be there for each other no matter what happened." He continued rubbing his thumb against Eli's hand. "It still stands."

Eli refused to believe Demetri would accept him for this. It because he doesn't know who I love, isn't it? He shook his head. "How? I- I'm fucking gay." He breathed out. "I'm disgusting and-"

"And?!" Demetri turned to look at Eli startling him in the process. "Eli if you think I'm going to stop being your friend because you have a preference in men you're oddly mistaking."


"I don't care if you're...." He calmed himself down as to not yell out Eli's secret. "I don't care if you're gay, Eli."

"But at the party you-"

"Eli, I was shocked yes and I wished I said something." Demetri sighed angry with himself. "But I'm still here for you."

"R-really?" He asked and instantly got a nod from Demetri.

There was a moment of silence before Demetri spoke up again. "I do have a question for you."

Eli already knew what the question was and despite preparing himself, he wasn't ready. "Sure..." He looked away nervously.

"Did you find out you were gay because of someone you like?" Demetri asked with a gentle voice.

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