Pain without the Gain

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"Is that even legal?" Demetri shrieked at the back of Moon's car.

The teens in the car flinched at Demetri's reaction to Hawk's story. Moon was driving the squad to the beach to hang out for the day. They thought it was a great way to spend the weekend after Demetri and Hawk were on better terms. Of course a lot has happened during the week like the dojo going inside a cement truck and attempting to keep it moving so the cement would not harden. 

"Who cares?" Hawk rolled his eyes with a smug on his face. "It was bad ass."

"Cement is highly toxic!" The shocked teen retaliated as he leaned towards the front seats of the car where Hawk and Moon sat. "It can cause eye, skin and respiratory tract irritations and that's not all-"

"Demetri relax." Miguel patted Demetri's shoulder. "I am sure Sensei would not have us do something that was highly dangerous."

"That's the same man who flipped me over and nearly broke my back!" Demetri frowned at the memory.

"Quit whining!" Hawk shrugged. "That did not hurt, stop being a baby."

"That's not what my doctor said about it..." He muttered.

"Oh stop it you two." Moon sighed as she stopped the car in the parking lot. "We're here!"

"Booyah!" Hawk did not hesitate to exit the car.

Miguel, Bert, and Moon did the same. Demetri sat there for a moment thinking about the crazy things this Sensei is making Eli do. First it was the drastic change in appearance, then the attitude, then the violent behavior, then the unflinching, then dog bites, and now the cement thing. It was a whole lot to take in, in such a short amount of time. It was concerning for Demetri to say the least. He could remember how Eli could barely say "present" when his name was called out for attendance. He wondered if all of this was secretly hurting Eli and if it was, his best friend was very good at hiding it. Usually Eli was a horrible liar and it was easy to tell when he was hiding something. However now, Eli was not Eli. He was Hawk and Demetri did not know how to read Hawk.

"Demetri you coming?" Moon peeked inside the car through the window.

"Uhh yeah." Demetri unbuckled his seatbelt and hurriedly exit the car.

The group of teens choose a spot near the water where there was a volley ball net. It was the perfect spot for completely enjoying their time at the beach. Miguel excused himself as the teens settled their stuff down. Hawk watched Miguel curiously and Demetri noticed. For some reason Demetri felt a tug in his chest at the sight of seeing his friend worry so much over Miguel. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes especially in front of the others.

"So are we playing?" Moon asked as she grabbed an orange volley ball.

"Hell yeah!" Hawk cheered as he did not hesitate to remove his shirt.

Demetri raised an eyebrow observing the other. Was taking his shirt off every chance he got part of his Hawk persona too? Demetri thought. Moon giggles as she basically eye bangs Hawk which causes Demetri another resistance to rolling his eyes.

"Alright so who wants to go against the Hawk?" The shirtless teen asked rather proudly.

"I would." Moon raised her free hand.

"Oh okay." Hawk smirked.

"Umm I'll be on Moon's team." Bert says making Moon smile.

Hawk frowns slightly seeing that the last person left was Demetri. Having Demetri on your team was basically asking to lose. Demetri couldn't help but smile as he walked over to Hawk.

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