Still a P*ssy

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Moon's party was supposed to be a distraction from issues and a way to have people bond. However, this entire party was the complete opposite. Sam and Tory had their boy problems. Miguel and Robby had their issues over Sam and Sensei Lawrence. Chris and Mitch couldn't hold back their growing grudge against one another. We also can't forget about Bert and Nate's hatred. It was all a complete mess. As for Demetri he didn't hate Hawk however Hawk did confess his hate for him. Demetri was starting to believe what Hawk had said earlier that night was true. Maybe Hawk did hate him. Demetri chugged down several cups of beer. He wasn't a drinker but tonight he seemed like an alcoholic. He drank almost as many drinks as Sam and Hawk did which was a large amount. Most of the teens at this party were far gone to think straight. The more sips Demetri took from the cups of drinks the angrier he got. His gaze wandered around the room and spotted Hawk with some of the cobras beside him. Hawk had his back turned so he had not seen Demetri. Seeing Hawk giggle and having a great time with these teens pissed him off more. How could Hawk just go around acting like nothing happened? As if everything was okay. It wasn't. He's had enough of just standing around not fighting back. He may not be a skilled fighter but something he was always good at was talking. Something Hawk and Eli always lacked.

Hawk spent some time with his cobra kai friends trying to distract himself from Demetri. It wasn't easy to get him out of his mind. Thoughts of their time alone in that room clouded his mind.

"I love you."

Did I say that? I hope I didn't. I don't love him. Nah I said I hate him. Why did love even come to my mind? I'm not gay. I'm not!

Suddenly he heard an oh so familiar voice over the mic. He looked up to where the voice came from. It was Demetri as expected. Hawk's fake smile quickly fade, turning almost into a frown.

"I'd like to make a toast. To Eli Moskowitz." Demetri spoke lifting up his solo cup. The crowd was muttering 'who's that'

"I'm sorry. Some of you might know him as 'Hawk'. But underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever type of Manic Panic he dumps in his hair, he's still good old Eli." Demetri was over annunciating punching out his words causing Hawk to cringe at every word. "My binary brother. Well, he was my binary brother." Demetri caught the attention of the crowd of people yet he ignored them. He was only glaring directly at Hawk."You know what he is now? A real Zero" holding up his hand making a zero to emphasize his point the crowd was laughing now. Some of them understood the math joke while others just laughed at the fact that Hawk was getting roasted.

Now Hawk was starting to feel uneasy. "Alright, that's enough Demetri." He spoke harshly but that didn't stop him.

"Don't let that angry red hairdo fool you, He's a big softie. We watched every Harry Potter movie together.." Demetri stared deeply into Hawk' Eli's eyes from where he stood. "And he bawled like a baby when Dobby died." imitating Eli's pouting while playfully twitching his lips and flaring his nose. The crowd bursted into laughter but Hawk knew that imitation was a bit too accurate, he had cried, really hard, all night and Demetri was attempting to console him for hours. Heart now racing Hawk hoped Demetri would not mention that part of the story.

Hawk's rage was ignited. "If he doesn't shut up, I'm going to make him shut up." clenching his jaw tightly as he spoke to the cobras.

"Remember what Sensei said 'show mercy'!" Mitch reminded him.

"Well everyone, I've got one more thing." Demetri engaged the crowd once more. "Have any of you heard of sleep enuresis?" raising his eyebrows at Hawk again.

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