Eyes on the Prize

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The two teens sat two chairs away from Eli. Luckily their backs were towards him so they wouldn't be able to see him. Eli peeked at the two teens who were laughing and picking on some short blonde kid with glasses in front of them. Eli felt bad and relieved at the same time. He didn't want someone to be bullied but as selfish as it may be he preferred someone else get bullied than himself. A couple minutes passed and the teacher walked in. Of course like every teacher she introduced herself and talked about what they will be doing for the first semester of school. Eli honestly was not paying attention hiding behind his notebook. After what seemed like forever the bell finally rang making most of the students bolt out of the class. Eli sighed in relief as the big familiar teen left the room with his friend. He gathered his stuff and walked out the room, pulling out his phone and seeing his next class. English 1. It was in room 115 so he had to go back to the first floor. Eli walked to the nearest staircase and went down a couple flight of stairs. It was not hard to find his next class as he already got the hang of the building's layout. He walked into the classroom to see no familiar faces however the room was not even half full just yet. Eli walked over to the back of the room and sat in the very last row of the first column. As usual Eli hid behind his notebook scanning the students that walked in. He then saw a familiar face. It was that blonde girl Demetri was staring at before. Behind her was another girl with honey brown hair in pretty waves. Eli couldn't help but stare at her. She was really pretty and well dressed in a pink floral dress. The two girls sat in front of Eli causing him to blush and shrink into his seat. They both looked at each other and began to talk.

"Did you see that cute Asian guy in the hallway?" The blonde smirked at the other girl.

The light brunette girl smiled and nodded in agreement causing Eli to pout slightly.

"You think he's single?" The blonde asked pulling her phone out. "Do you know his name?"

"Uhhh... Skyler? Tyler?" Her friend tried remembering the boy's name. "Wait no! Kyler!"

"I found him!" She smiled as she showed her friend the boy's instagram profile.

"We should throw a party and hang with him." The girl suggested.

"Moon this is why you're my best friend." She grinned as she playfully slapped her friend's arm. "Actually Sam is throwing one this weekend."

"We could ask Sam to invite him and everyone we know." Moon pulled her phone out. "I'll ask her."

"Good idea."

The teacher soon walked in and the two girls put their phones away. Moon. Eli thought that was a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Eli never really had a crush on a girl before especially since girls don't really talk to him... like at all. He only ever talked to Demetri who was no where near a girl. Girls were not an area of expertise to say the least. Despite never speaking to Moon, he could tell she was a good person or at least he hoped she would be. As for the blonde girl next to her, she seemed a bit off to Eli. She looks like the type of girl who would make fun of people for enjoyment. Demetri always liked the popular girls and Eli could tell this girl was that just by her face. Eli tried to pay attention to the teacher going on about books they will read but he kept glancing at Moon who seemed just as bored as everyone else. This must have been the fastest 45 minutes of Eli's life because the bell rang quite fast snapping him out of his trance.

"Yasmine." Moon looked over at the blonde who was already out of her seat. "What's your next class?"

"I have P.E." She snarled.

"Oh dang... I have Algebra." Moon stood up looking at her phone. "I have P.E. afterwards."

Almost immediately Eli checked his schedule on his phone. A small smile appeared on his face. He had Biology next but afterwards he had P.E. What are the odds? Eli decided to get out of his seat and find his next class. He didn't want Yasmine and Moon to catch him eavesdropping on their conversation. Eli fought the urge to look back at the two mainly Moon, but he pushed himself forward. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder causing him to flinch.

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