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After Christmas Day the two teens saw each other every few days mostly when the dojo met. After Demetri had revealed to Eli how he may be dating Yasmine, Eli has grown distant. Demetri didn't know how to broach the subject because he never really had a girlfriend much less had to justify having one to his friend. Why did he need to justify it? It was his choice to decide who to date but something inside of him told him he should explain himself to his friend. It was probably pathetic. However, he wanted to resume the friendship they had by telling the Mohawk boy everything especially after the strange joke Demetri did on Eli. Still, to this day Eli hasn't realized it was a joke but since Demetri revealed his relationship with Yasmine, he didn't want to be the cause of Demetri's downfall. After all, he always wanted to date Yasmine.

It was just another day at the Miyagi Do dojo. Hawk and Demetri were in separate dojos but they all trained at Miyagi Do being that Eagle Fang has no location just yet. Demetri and Hawk exchanged subtle hellos but that was really it. It was slowly driving Demetri insane. He had just got his best friend back but he feels that he was slowly losing him once more. Miguel was quick to notice this as he walks over to Demetri mid training. "Hey, everything alright?"

"Uh yeah," Demetri paused his movements. "I just need to keep practicing."

"No, I meant between you and Hawk?" Miguel looks over at Hawk who was training with Johnny from afar. "You guys seemed fine until recently."

"Yeah," Demetri sighed. "I don't know. Ever since Christmas night he's been distant."

"Why, did you do anything to make him feel uncomfortable?" Miguel asked.

Demetri remembers the joke he had done to Eli and immediately his cheeks flushed red. "Now that you say that I probably did."

"Well, just talk to him about it." He suggests hoping to help his friends out. "I'm sure he'll be more considerate than he used to."

"I don't think bringing it up will do any good." The taller teen cringed at the thought. "I guess I'll just converse with him normally."

"Good idea," Miguel pat Demetri on the back before resuming his training.

Demetri musters up the courage to walk over towards his best friends. He was not eager to do so after their last private talk but he was indeed happy to have him back. Hawk hears footsteps, and looks up, stopping what he's doing to see that they belonged to Demetri. He smiles at the brunette and jolts his head up, "Hey Deme what's up?"

"Nothing, I just umm..." Demetri awkwardly shrugs his shoulder before stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Are we okay, like our companionship?"

Hawk rose an eyebrow before nodding. "Yeah, I mean why wouldn't we be?"

"I dunno it's just when we talked last week about the whole joke ordeal—"

Demetri was cut off by Hawk. "No I get it. It was a joke and you're dating Yasmine." He forced a smile that only left Demetri more worried. "We're all good, Deme."

Hawk walks away leaving a dumbfounded Demetri. He watched as Hawk and Miguel exchange handshakes and start to converse about whatever they usually talked about. Demetri felt a tug in his chest. Something was off but he didn't know what it was. But before Demetri could ponder any further on the matter, the Sensei's called all of their students into the indoor training room to practice Eagle Fangs style of karate. Unfortunately it didn't go as planned. Hawk was dominating the dojo as expected but one swift dodge from his opponent sent his leg flying into the door of the dojo tearing it. Hawk gasped as he quickly jolts his leg back out. "Shit! Sorry!"

The Miyagi Do students all rolled their eyes sighing in annoyance while Demetri and Miguel watched with worried features. Daniel LaRusso was just as annoyed as the rest of his dojo but he tried to subside it by asking the Eagle Fangs to keep their practices outside from now on. Hawk hangs his head low as they were escorted out.

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