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For the last year of his life, Eli had considered Miyagi Do his enemy. The first time he set foot in his dojo was to vandalize it and he hadn't paid much attention to the place itself, only goal in mind was to destroy everything possible. Instead now, since he was going to train, Demetri had been making him aware of everything that was there. After all, it was not just a garden.

"In Miyagi Do not everything is what it seems," he had said more than once, with a tone that made him think he had memorized that introduction by Mr. LaRusso.

He had to say that building the platform had been a good idea. He still saw mistrust in Chris's eyes and resentment in Nate's expression, but at least they seemed enthusiastic about the idea and more focused on carrying boards than messing with him. Everyone had accepted his design, including the sensei, once Demetri had given his approval in front of everyone.

Eli felt that maybe he could make a place for himself there. It was different from what he had been doing for the last few months, but he liked the physical work. Every day he ended up tired, with muscle pain different from the one that the usual training gave. When he was concentrating on nailing down the wooden boards, his mind drifted away from all the noise that had filled it for the last few months. It helped him focus. It was like an anchor.

No wars, sides or enemies. Just him and what he was trying to form with his hands and his companions. It was a way of being calm that he had not known before. In the middle of the works there was also an occasion for laughter, jokes, and somehow, Eli felt that he was beginning to belong.

Until something broke his concentration and relaxation.

"Ahh shit!" He uttered a gasp of pain, and looked around furiously when he noticed the looks of the others, thinking they were going to start laughing at him. They didn't.

Almost immediately, Demetri was at his side. "A splinter, right?" He earns a nod from Eli. "It's almost part of the Miyagi Do initiation," he commented, as he took his hand in his own. "Do you want me to take it out? I've had plenty of those here."

Something had been mentioned before. He considered himself one of the original members of the dojo. "I'm the oldest of all after Sam, although Sam doesn't really count, she was practically born in the dojo. And now that Robby is gone..." He trailed off.

Sometimes Demetri wondered if she missed Robby, but she didn't talk about him much so he'd never know.

Suddenly, he noticed that Demetri was still holding his hand as he waited for an answer. "Uhh y-yeah, sure," he said, as if it didn't matter.

It didn't, but as Demetri dealt with the splinter, Eli couldn't help but think it was nice to have his hand on his.

Little by little, a pleasant work dynamic was developing in the dojo. At least the arguments between the senseis didn't seem to end in a risk of separation again.

Eli had never given much thought to what Mr. LaRusso would be like as a sensei. He remembered that he had left a strong impression on him when he came to Cobra Kai after his dojo was vandalized. His confrontation had been strong, but at the time he had not respected him for not striking. Now he was beginning to understand the strength it showed not to throw the first blow. Until now, he hadn't had that self-control.

They didn't know exactly what had happened the day the sensei had made the deal with Cobra Kai about the All Valley tournament, but Miguel had hinted that Mr. LaRusso had fought Sensei Kreese. And from the way he had looked when they'd seen him, he hadn't taken a beating. Eli was curious, really. Besides, he wondered what kind of man had gotten Demetri to throw him into the school's trophy case.

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