Love Doctor

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After the break up with Moon Hawk wasn't sure if he should attend Moon's party. She invited him so he felt like he should go. Then again she invited almost everyone in the Cobra Kai Dojo. His karate friends begged him to go so he complied. Upon arrival the music was loud and he could hear teens laughing , shouting and just having a grand time. In all honesty Hawk did not want to be there and would prefer being at the tattoo shop with Rico but he had a reputation to keep up. He wasn't going to miss a party as the Hawk. It just did not make sense to. Hawk made himself comfortable on a couch not expecting to do much. Mitch sat beside him as expected since he was basically his shadow at this point. He passed Hawk a drink in a plastic red cup.

"Drink some." Mitch said. "It's almost time for school again. We should enjoy while we still can."

Hawk grinned as he picked up his cup. "Agreed."

Hawk takes a sip of his alcoholic beverage before placing it back down on the center table. The rest of the cobras sat or stood near them almost as if they were some sort of gang that could never be apart. Of course Miguel and Tory had gone their separate ways to probably have some alone time. Hawk began to wonder where Moon was but he honestly did not care. He wanted to avoid her as much as possible. Something about her presence irked him despite them being really close just about a month ago. Regardless Hawk was immediately awoken from his thoughts upon seeing Samantha LaRusso accompanied by Robby, Nate, Chris and of course the one and only Demetri.

This was going to be a long night. Hawk couldn't help but give Demetri a menacing glare. Demetri could feel the hatred seven feet away from where he stood. The frightened teen looked away with his head hung low.

Great. Why on Earth would Moon invite Hawk if they broke up? Why me? Demetri's head was beginning to throb as he thought about the situation he was put in. Moon walked into the living room greeting the Miyagi Do students. Sam did not hesitate to complain about the Cobras being there. Demetri had the urge to just bolt out of there and go home. He'd much rather be playing video games in the comfort of his own home than hanging out with friends at a noisy party waiting for poisonous snakes to bite him. Almost as if on cue Miguel and Tory walked in from the backyard. Things were only getting uglier. Demetri wanted the floor to just swallow him whole. Sam and Robby awkwardly walked towards the back of the room.

Hawk rolled his eyes as Demetri and the rest of the Miyagi dorks walked over behind them not knowing what else to do. Some Cobras kept their eyes on them but Hawk just continued to face forward. He didn't want to piss himself off more by watching Demetri so much as exist. He was upset. Why? He thought it was because of the break up. However after they broke up he felt more liberated. Still he was not seen as badass as before. Having no girlfriend especially of Moon's level was hurting his reputation. He glanced over to his left to see Moon talking to some football jock and it made him anxious. He was not really jealous but rather nervous. Demetri would see him being like his past self waiting and hiding in the shadows. He couldn't just sit there and do nothing. He needed to act. Hawk's eye shifted toward the right seeing a girl walk in. She was pretty and had really beautiful curls that puffed out nicely giving her an exotic look. He then gets an idea. An amazing idea that couldn't go wrong or so he thought.

"You know the best way to win a girl back?" Hawk says to Mitch.

Mitch looks over awaiting his answer.

"Make her want what she can't have." Hawk playfully smacks Mitch's arm. "Watch and learn."

Demetri took a sip of his drink which was a Dr. Pibb of course. He didn't really want any alcohol as he needed to be alert at all times with the cobras around... well mainly Hawk. Demetri couldn't help but notice that Hawk stood up from the couch. Instinctively Demetri flinched slightly but it seemed like Hawk had no interest in walking towards him. Instead he was walking over to some girl who just arrived. Did Hawk already have a new girlfriend? That was fast. Demetri thought to himself. Then again he did catch Moon talking to some guy on the other side of the room. Demetri never understood how people could move on so quickly especially Hawk since it was his first girlfriend like ever. Demetri stared at Hawk's back from afar admiring his courage to get a new girl this quickly at his ex's house. The conversation seemed to be going well as the girl kept eye contact with the other and gave him smiles. This irritated Demetri slightly seeing this mystery girl laugh and stare at his Eli. Woah. What? Before Demetri could fight his own thoughts Moon had walked over to the two teens. What happened next completely sidetracked Demetri. Moon and this girl began to kiss on the lips in front of everyone. No shame, no hesitation, none whatsoever. Demetri nearly dropped his Mr. Pibb on the floorboards. Luckily he was able to catch himself from making a mess. Now Moon and the girl were staring at Hawk. Demetri couldn't help but cringe at the sight. He felt the embarrassment from the other side of the room. He could only imagine how Hawk was feeling at this very moment. Demetri was previously wrong. This girl was indeed dating someone but that person was Hawk's ex. It also so happens to be that these two are both the same gender. Demetri never saw anything wrong with people being attracted to the same gender it just didn't seem socially acceptable. Yet nobody here said anything. Why? He wasn't sure. Was it because they were girls? Everytime Demetri and Eli were seen together they would always be bullied and if they even so much as hugged they would be called derogatory names. That wasn't quite fair. At all.

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