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It was finally the day. The day where everything had to be faced. Problems needed to be solved. Enemies needed to confront. Boundaries needed to be broken. Revenge needed to be met. It was the first day of Sophomore year. All of the students were ready to embark on this new chapter in their lives. However two specific teens had malicious intentions. One of them was Tory for Sam kissing her boyfriend and the other was Hawk. He needed to get Demetri back for what he had done that day at the party. The plan was to torture him the entire day at school and wait for him after school to teach him a lesson or two. However the circumstances changed thanks to one of the cobras.

Hawk sat next to Miguel in their new homeroom which was in a science lab. He turned over to Miguel who seemed to have something on his mind that was slowly eating at him.

"Hey, you good?"asks Hawk.

Miguel hesitates for a moment. "I kissed Sam."

Hawk was mesmerized."Nice!" He cheered Miguel on.

"Not nice." Miguel shook his head. "I shouldn't have done that to Tory."

"Why limit yourself to one chick?" Hawk rolled his eyes before grinning. "I'm planning on having a full rotation by the time we get to midterms."

Miguel was about to tell Hawk it wasn't a good idea but some teen they never saw before walks over to them.

"Hey I just wanted to say I wet the bed since I was 13." The teen said. "Theres nothing to be ashamed of."

Hawk took in what the teen said for a moment. There were more people with sleep enuresis? I'm not the only one? He was about to ask him how he got rid of it but felt people's gaze on him including Miguel. He snaps out of it

"Get the hell out of my face!" Hawk growls through gritted teeth.

The teen walks away while other teens who were listening laughed.

"What's that guys problem?" Questions Miguel.

"I don't know." Hawk lied as he shrugged his shoulders.

Luckily Miguel doesn't question it any further.


Demetri anxiously bit his nails and tapped his foot against the marble floor. He was at his homeroom sitting beside Nate who was just scrolling in his phone. Demetri's nerves were through the roof at this very moment. The school day hasn't started yet nor has he seen Hawk and he was already fearing for his safety.

"Dude relax." Says Nate. "Hawk won't do shit."

Demetri turns to the smaller teen. "Easy for you to say when you weren't the one who revealed the underlying truth of Hawk Moskowitz."

Nate rolled his eyes. "We're at school Demetri. What is he gonna do? Beat you up in front of the entire school?"

"Uhhh yes!" Demetri nodded fearfully.

Nate shook his head and the morning school announcements began. It was the vice principal welcoming the students to a brand new year of learning and whatever nonsense they always say. When suddenly yelling and thumps could be heard coming from the speaker as if they were fighting for the microphone. Demetri looked over at Nate confusedly and Nate just shrug his shoulders. After a few seconds of silence a voice came back on the speaker.

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