You'd actually hurt me?

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Change. That's what Hawk needed. It was definitely time for a change. People were used to this new persona of Hawk yet a lot of people respected him for it. Maybe it's not the personality that he should change. Hawk studied himself in his bathroom, observing his long blue locks of hair that slightly graced over his shoulders. He had not done his signature mohawk just yet as he just woke up after a long night of playing video games with Miguel. Not the lame video games of course, the cool ones with lots of violence,weapons and blood. He remembered how Miguel kept losing to Hawk's skills and how the other's character would drop dead and a crimson color stained the clothes on the character. Usually Eli did not play games like this however Hawk would. Blood is just... wait. That's it. Hawk knew exactly what he needed to do. He didn't even bother to tease up his hair and shape it into his signature hawk. Instead he put a hood over his head and dashed out of his house.


Demetri needed some change as well. He couldn't let Eli... Hawk continue to talk down to him like the way he did on the voice call. He called him a pussy, a bitch, nerd, and all the things their bullies would say. Since when did his best friend ever call him these things until Cobra Kai came around... when he became Hawk. Why did he treat Demetri this way? Was it because he was weak? That's probably the reason. How could Demetri not seem weak? He didn't do anything remotely bad ass or at least physical enough to get him out of this. If only there was a way he could learn karate without going to the atrocious snake dojo. That's when it hit him. There was indeed a way. He just hoped that it wasn't as intimidating or brutal as Cobra Kai. However before he did that, he needed something else to take care of. Demetri pulls his phone and searches Cobra Kai on an app. He decided to prevent more people to turn into jerks in that place so he gave the dojo a very detailed negative review. It was honestly the least he could do after suffering a basically completely broken nose. Once he finished he rapidly made his way to a certain location. A place where he thinks he could be just as powerful as Hawk but no where near as harmful. It was Miyagi Do.


Hawk was more confident than ever. His relationship with Moon only got better and more people respected him for is new look. His hawk was now red and bigger than ever. It was intimidating for sure which makes him feel like the bad ass he is. Even at the dojo the rest of the teens were following all of Hawk's wishes. It gave Hawk so much desire to do anything he wanted. He was empowered to nearly run both the school and the dojo.

Finally practice was over for the third day of the week and the group of cobras did what they usually do, hang out at the food place near to the dojo to eat. However Hawk was bored as his girlfriend was texting Yasmine the entire time and Miguel seemed preoccupied on his computer. So Hawk decided to go bother the two newbies again. He walks over to ass face and douche bag stealing a mozzarella stick from one of their plates.

"That was my last mozzarella stick." The bigger teen complained.

"Gotta pay the vig, pledge." Hawk scoffs before looking over at the other teen whose on his phone. He had a serious expression which Hawk didn't care about but he was curious. "What's the matter with you?"

He hesitates. "There's something you should see." He passes his phone to Hawk.

Curiously' Hawk grabs the phone and read a very long text about Cobra Kai which was on a review site. It was not a positive review in the slightest. In fact it was so nitpicky and rather specific on the dojo's supposed issues. Hawk grimaced as he read the review.

"Very unprofessional sensei..." Hawk read aloud in disbelief. "Does not take into account safety or personal boundaries..." he scrolls down. "In need of a major facelift?" Now Hawk was beyond annoyed and scrolls back up to see the user. "Who the hell does this guy think he is?"

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