Between us

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The weekend went by too fast for Demetri and Eli. They spent the two days binge watching the rest of the Star Wars films. Eli ended up enjoying them just as much Demetri thought he would. It was another two weeks of school and nothing amazing was really going on just the usual classes. Eli had not seen his father for some time which was strange but not that he's complaining. Demetri and Eli spent time after school together occassionally sharing a few kisses but nothing as serious as last time. They grew closer with Miguel and they all seemed to get along well. Miguel was an ongoing target of Kyler's which caused Eli and Demetri to become his targets too. Now they had both Brucks and Kyler on their backs. Luckily they were always together or there were teachers around so they could not do much. Still the stares Eli receives from others was hurtful. His lip was honestly the only thing people remembered him by except for Miguel and Demetri. They were the only people to not ask or even so much as glance at his lip. He appreciated that. Now it was just another Monday. However they did announce a school dance for Halloween coming up. Eli hoped Demetri or Miguel wouldn't get the idea of going but those popular girls were going so it was a high chance he would be dragged along. Eli was at his locker placing his books away now that school was done for the day. Like any other day Miguel and Demetri met Eli there after they went to their own lockers.

"Hey." Demetri waved at his best friend. "So how was class?"

"You were there with me." Eli responded as he closed his locker.

"Well excuse me for starting up a conversation." Demetri said defensively then turned towards Miguel. "What about you?"

Miguel was smiling as he responded. "Pretty good just got my test graded and Aced it."

"Sweet." Demetri said admirably. "I have been doing good with my tests too."

Eli was also doing well but didn't really feel like sharing. The three of them began to walk towards the school exit.

"So Miguel you want to play fortnite with me and Eli later?" Demetri asked.

"Nah man I can't." Miguel shook his head. "I have karate."

Demetri rolled his eyes. "You're always doing karate. Doesn't your back hurt?"

"No." Miguel laughed. "I want to get better at it."

"Well whatever man." Demetri sighed. "If you ever wanna join ya can."


The three of them walked out of the school and overheard some teens talking about Halloween costumes.

"That reminds me!" Demetri raised his eyebrows. "I got my Halloween costume ready, what about you guys?"

Eli shook his head.

"I have no idea what to dress up as." Miguel sighed.

"Well you guys should prepare soon since that dance is coming up." Suggested Demetri.

Eli raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Y-you're actually going?"

He nodded. "Why not? Plus I'm sure Yasmine will pick a hot costume."

Miguel laughed. "I mean it doesn't sound like a bad idea Eli. It could be fun."

Eli shrugged his shoulders. He really hoped this wouldn't happen but to his luck it did. He hated parties and large crowds especially with loud music. This was not something he is looking forward to.

"Alright guys I gotta go." Miguel pointed at the school bus. "I'll catch ya guys later."

"Later." Demetri snapped his fingers.

Eli waved and Miguel hopped on the bus. Demetri and Eli began to make their way home like they usually did.

"Hey Eli wanna stop by my house today?" Demetri offered.

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