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It was the evening of December 19th Saturday, the day of the Christmas party Sam was hosting at her house. Demetri was lazily preparing himself for the party. Normally, Demetri would be all for some Holiday cheer, however this Christmas wasn't really a celebratory one after everything that has gone down. In all honesty if it wasn't for Miguel saying he'd attend the party, Demetri wouldn't go. His cast was just removed and he was in no mood to socialize but he hadn't really hung out with Miguel apart from school and he figured he'd take this opportunity to do so. To his surprise Demetri wasn't the first one at the LaRusso household, Nate and Chris were there. Sam welcomed Demetri inside gesturing for him to sit beside the two others. Demetri did as he was told exchanging 'hellos' with his other friends. Sam sat on the couch in front of them with a small smile.

"So, when is Miguel coming?" Demetri asks.

"He should be here soon." She checks her phone.

"What should we do when he gets here?" Chris joins the conversation.

"We should play charades." Nate suggests enthusiastically. "I go first though!"

"That sounds fun, but umm I'm a pro at charades." Demetri brags with a cocky grin. "I always guess correctly."

"Not with me you won't!" The tiny teen snickered.

"Oh please, in fourth grade me and Eli-" Demetri didn't think of what he was saying before it was already too late. His smile falters in an instant.

The three other teens give Demetri sympathetic looks. Nate places his hand on the other's back before patting him gently to ease him. It only made Demetri all the more depressed that he had just mentioned the despicable spike haired teen whose hurt everyone in this room. "Sorry I just-"

"It's fine, Demetri." Sam reassured him with a nod.

Sam decided to play some Christmas music to lighten up the mood. Nate and Chris begin to eat the snacks that were laid out on the coffee table. They continued to wait for Miguel for several minutes that soon became half an hour, then an hour, and over an hour. Sam was now pacing back and forth noticing her guests were losing interest for this party. Nate was shoving the handfuls of popcorn in means to keep himself entertained while Chris stared at his feet tapping them to the beat of the song. Demetri was now buried into the sofa exhausted from doing absolutely nothing. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Well this Christmas party is turning out to be Ho-Ho-Horrible."

"Yeah Sam, I thought you said your parents would be out for the night." Chris added to Demetri's statement. "Why aren't we doing anything?"

"There's also a cake on the way." Sam responds anxiously. "Miguel and the cake should be here soon."

"Could we at least put on a Christmas special?" Demetri sighs trying to save himself from boredom. "I'll even watch the creepy one with the little... elf dentist."

Sam cringed at his suggestion.

"Yeah, I'm that bored."

The doorbell rang getting the attention of all the Miyagi students.

"It's here!"

"Must be Miguel." Comments Chris.

"I kinda wanted the cake." Nate pouts.

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