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Mrs. Moskowitz, Demetri and his mother were the last ones left in the ER as everyone else left getting picked up by their parents and sent home to heal from their wounds. Demetri was growing anxious as no update was given to either of them of about Eli's condition. He was starting to imagine the worst case scenarios in his mind, ruffling his fingers through his hair in distress, feet tapping against the shiny marble floor. Memories of Eli and him flooding his brain in means to try to ease himself but it only made him all the more nervous.

Suddenly footsteps could be heard getting the three of their attention, there stood the doctor that was evaluating Eli. Mrs. Moskowitz and Demetri jump out of their seat darting towards the doctor.

"How is he?" Mrs. Moskowitz asks.

"We stopped the bleeding." He responded an instant sigh of relief escaped from both their mouths. "However," Demetri's face quickly changed. "He has not woken up despite being off the anesthesia we gave him. We believe he lost a lot of blood so he may be in a-"

"Please don't say it," Demetri frowned, worry filling his stomach. "He's not in a coma due to blood loss... is he?"

The doctor sighs before looking at Mrs. Moskowitz who was just as concerned as Demetri. "He is stable at the moment so his chances of waking up are higher than most patients with this kind of injury however we can't decipher when it is he'll wake up."

Mrs. Moskowitz let's out a sob, "no, my baby."

Demetri shook his head in disbelief, "I made sure he didn't lose more blood... I tried and we got here on time... h-how is he in a coma?"

"His Carotid artery was sliced causing arterial bleeding," he explained. "He got here just in time before life threatening hemorrhage occurred. He's very lucky."

"Carotid?!" Demetri gasped knowing how slim the chances of survival were for an injury that severe. "Hemorrhage... Wait... will he remember? Like... is his memory going to be okay?!"

"We won't know until he wakes up."

Demetri shakes his head in both disbelief and despair. "C-can I... umm we see him?"

"Yes one at a time," the doctor nodded. "Limited people are allowed in intensive care."

Demetri looks over at Mrs. Moskowitz nodding before he sat back down in his seat awaiting his turn. After what seemed like forever Eli's mom finally finished with a face of a person whose seen a ghost. She passed the waiting room unable to speak with anyone due to an overwhelming amount of emotions. Demetri took that as a sign to mentally prepare himself as he made his way to Eli's designated room. Right before entering the room he took in a deep breath with hopes to improve his anxiety. His shaky hand turns the door handle, pushing it open inviting himself in. The sound of beeping from a heart monitor filled the dull white room. His eyes instantly land on the bright red messy not so spiked hair that belonged to the weak teen in a deep slumber. He was pale, paler than usual, his lips were a hue of blue similar to the eyes he could not see at this moment. Tubes shoved into his nose and mouth in efforts to keep him breathing. Bandages and medical tape were wrapped around his neck with red stains on the left side where the injury was. Tears formed in Demetri's eyes as he eagerly marched over to his defeated friend. He stood beside him placing his hands on Eli's limp dominant hand holding it in his as if his life depended on it.

"Eli," Demetri looks at Eli's still features, only his chest heaving up and back down giving slim signs of life aside from the beeping of the monitor beside them. "Why?" He whimpered as tears streamed down his face. "Why did you save me?"

He takes a pause to gather his thoughts careful of what to say despite knowing damn well Eli could not hear much less respond.

"I thought you hated me..." he lets out a sob at his own comment. "I thought y-you wished we were never f-friends. I was so scared Eli... and now that I got you back you're not... really back..." he swallows the ball that had formed in his throat. "P-please wake up." He pleads to the motionless body before him, falling to his knees gripping onto Eli's hand. "I miss you... so much... please wake up soon." Demetri rests his head on Eli's hand lovingly. "I love you binary bro. I'll wait for you..."

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