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After the sound of the bone being snapped, an excruciating, blood curdling scream filled the room. A sound Hawk never thought he'd hear from Demetri especially caused by his own hands. He looked down at his former friend almost haunted by the image before him. Demetri kept writhing on the stained floor, cursing and sobbing through harshly drawn breaths while Hawk did no more than stare. Only study the injured teen beneath him as if he was some new found specimen in a science lab. Almost as if he was snapped back into reality Hawk felt pats on the back that verged more on meanly placed slaps that belonged to the shadows around him. They were constructed by grins with tightly pulled lips and neon-bright teeth taking the center stage due to the UV lights surrounding them. They looked almost like monsters, he was surrounded by monsters, no. Demetri was surrounded by monsters like Hawk.

"Pussy," Tory spat, the word sounding vile especially coming from her mouth. Others followed her example, spitting out equally derogatory insults at Demetri's helpless form. It made bile rise at the back of Hawk's throat.

Mitch pulled Hawk back up to stand beside him before giving him a playful nudge on his arm. "He'll never mess with you again."

A hesitant simper formed on Hawk's lips, nodding his head still not taking his eyes off Demetri. "Yeah," was all he could say.

"Come on guys let's go!" Tory instructed as she darted towards the exit. "Before anyone else decides to stop by."

The Cobras followed behind her leaving Hawk behind. The Miyagi Dos were slowly gaining energy to get up after the previous exertion from the fight. He knew he had to go but his eyes were glued onto Demetri's pliant form. He was still sobbing however they were much quieter seemingly because he was losing consciousness due to the pain.

"Hawk!" Mitch's voice echoed from the hallway. "Let's go before the cops show up!"

Hawk's body jolts towards the exit upon hearing the word 'cops'. Right before he could leave he heard a raspy low voice.

"Eli... i-it hurts..." the weak teen sniffles. "...hurts... ngh... E-Eli I-"

He couldn't hear anymore and bolts out of the laser tag room, pushing out of the crowd, the cobras included leaving them confused and calling out to him. Hawk ran and ran and ran, without stopping. He didn't have a destination in mind as he had no where to go but his home. The dojo wasn't the right place to be after this and the park would only make matters worst for him. He needed to go home. It was mandatory for him to go home. He knew he needed this. He knew what he needed. Who he needed.

Hawk barges into his home startling his mother who was sitting in the dining room table. "Eli!" She jumps out of her seat.

"Where's dad?" Hawk asks whilst looking around the house.

"He's sleeping." She walks over to her son but he marches over to the master bedroom. "Eli what's-"

He attempts to open the door but it was locked. "Open the door..." he whispered.

"Eli I don't understand-"

"I said open the door!" Hawk banged on the door.

"Eli Moskowitz, what is the problem?!" His mother yanked him away from the door.

"I need to see him!" He pulled away.

"Eli I don't understand-"

The master bedroom door flung open, "What the fuck is going on here?!"

"Hey!" Hawk turned back to face his father. "Hit me!"

"Eli!" His mother gasped.

"Excuse me?" The man had an unreadable expression.

"I said hit me!" Hawk bangs his right hand against his chest antagonizing his father.

"What in the fuck-"

"Or are you too much of a pussy to do it?" Hawk ignited the flame further. "You-"

Before Hawk could finish his next set of words his entire world went dark for a moment and all he could feel was a stinging sensation on his left cheek and the right side of his body. His hands were on cold sleek marble which meant he had been knocked onto the floor. His ears were ringing so it was hard to hear but he knew they were screams. Suddenly another sharp pain shot up his back before another one at his face. He felt a warm liquid drip down his nose onto his hands. Despite the cries from his mother the man continued to kick and punch the teen. He could have easily escaped the beat down his father was giving him however he stayed. Hawk didn't curl up into a ball like he usually did when being punished by his father instead he was absolutely still, not even shielding his face from the brutal kicks. His mind once again wandered to a different place however it wasn't the park this time, it was Golf'N'Stuff in the laser tag room.

Eli it's me!

It's me, Eli!

Help me!

N-no, no I-I'll go!

Eli, it hurts...

Hawk closed his eyes for a brief second before looking up to the person who was kicking him expecting it to be his father. A small smile formed on his bloody lips as he didn't see his father. It was someone else attacking him. It was Demetri.


"It hurts so bad!" Demetri cried hysterically as the nurse inspected his arm at the emergency room. "Fuck! I-it hurts!"

"Please I need you to relax or we can't help you." The nurse said as she attempted to hold his arm.

"It fucking hurts!" He winced as the nurse held his arm. "I'm going to fucking die!"

"You will not die," she reassured him. "Just please-"

"Ahh!" Demetri shut his eyes before clenching the wheel chair he sat on with his now dominant hand. "Make it stop!"

"Demetri!" He looks up to see who the voice came from. It was his mother. "What happened?!"

"His arm is broken." The nurse explained. "It appeared to have been a radius-"

"Eli did it!" Demetri sobbed. "My best friend hurt me!"

"He what?!"

"Eli h-hurt me! He broke my arm!" Now there was a stronger more unbearable pain than the one in his arm, the one in his heart. "How could he- he hurt me ahh fuck!" He winced as he shuffled in his seat continuing to sob. "E-Eli... wh-why Eli.."

His mother was awestruck unable to move or comfort her son. She could not believe sweet little Eli whom she knew for years would ever lay a finger on her son. Demetri was completely inconsolable, a sight his mother never wanted to see, she could feel the betrayal and heartache for her son.

The doctor finally arrived with a wheel chair. "We're going to take him in for surgery." He said to Demetri's mother. "We'll give him anesthesia immediately."

Before she could respond they pushed the wheel chair in the direction of the examination rooms. As soon as Demetri was out of her sight she pulled out her phone and dialed Ms. Moskowitz number ready to start a heated discussion about her despicable son, however nobody picked up. That wasn't going to stop her. This was going to be the last time Demetri and Eli would interact. She will make sure of that, legally.

Hey author here! So I wanted to ask you guys about something. I know in my story Eli and Demetri met in middle school but in the show Demetri said he knew where the key was since kindergarten in season 4 indicating they met in kindergarten...........
So I was thinking of doing a spin off that could be semi cannon to this if they had met in kindergarten. I wanted to know if you guys would like that..? If not then I won't do it if yes then I will totally do it.
If I do make it... should I make a new story just for those little adventures they have or should I upload on this same story and just title them as the spin off? Please do let me know! :) anyway happy Labor Day weekend! 🦅

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