Talk is Cheap

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Talk is indeed cheap. Actions do speak louder than words. Burning bridges with everyone isn't going to make you the most loved guy around. Hawk knew all of that. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. When walking into Miyagi Do, he knew they weren't going to welcome him with open arms. He had done the most damage (aside from Kreese) to both of the dojos. Heck he was lucky Demetri had forgiven him, but for what? He was distant from Hawk and didn't even speak up when he was being shunned upon. Hawk needed to prove himself to these dojos and the best way was to rebuild the bridges he's burnt, show what he can do rather than talk, prove to everyone he was more than just the guy who beats up everyone and ruined his best friend. He was more than just the Hawk. He was also Eli.

Upon arriving at his house, he was surprised to see his father was not home. He wasn't going to complain about it. That was the least of his worries at the moment. He locked himself in his room and sat himself by his computer desk turning his pc on. Normally he'd do homework first but he wasn't going to be able to concentrate on anything else until he gets this done. He opens up a bunch of different programs and rapidly begins to design something. He uses various 3D models on the program while he does math on the other. This was going to be tedious but Eli was willing to do it. He was really good at designing and planning out builds whether they were for projects, models, or robotics. You name it Eli could program or design it. After all, him and Demetri won the coding competition among many other science and math competitions.

Eli was so fixated on his current project he hadn't heard his phone go off or the knocks on the front door of his house. It only seemed like minutes to Eli however it took him the entire rest of the day to finish. He began to type in the last few measurements before saving and printing out the blue prints. Before Eli could study his finished results he heard his bedroom door fling open which caused him to snap his head back. There stood his mom surprisingly with Demetri by her side. They both had worrisome features on their faces.

"Eli," his mother spoke up first. "I called you all day and you didn't respond. I was worried."

"Oh," was all Eli managed to say.

"Demetri called and messaged you various times." She frowns furrowing her eyebrows in the process. "He was waiting outside the steps for who knows how long."

"It was actually two hours and twenty four minutes but who's counting." Demetri added shrugging his shoulders.

Eli let out a sigh before standing on his two feet. "I'm sorry. I was just so caught up doing a project for Miyagi Do."

Demetri looks at his friend curiously.

"Okay, just please next time let us know or at least have your phone near you." Mrs. Moskowitz unfolded her arms. "If you boys are hungry there's left over chicken from yesterday."

"Thank you." Demetri and Eli said in unison before Mrs. Moskowitz leaves closing the door behind her.

Demetri walks over to Eli studying the boy. He was so ready to scold him for not picking up his phone or opening the door for him but instead was interested to ask him about this project he was working on. "So a project for Miyagi Do?"

Eli smiles, "yeah I made a blueprint to create a sparring deck for the dojos." He eagerly holds up the printed paper at Demetri. "I c-calculated all of the measurements making sure the deck will be secure and sturdy for practice. Also keeping in mind the area in square feet so it fits in the back section of Miyagi Do without it taking space from the outside or already occupied space." Demetri listened in awe as his friend continued to explain. "I-It took me a while I suppose b-but I need it to be safe and perfect for us to spar on."

There were many things Demetri enjoyed about Eli. His face, his humor, his kindness. But the times he was soft, kind, vulnerable. Those were his favorite. Demetri was tongue tied as he stared at his friend. He studied his smile and sparkling azure eyes. They were the same as when him and Eli won the coding competition back at summer camp. He could almost feel the hot summer breeze, almost smell the wet grass from the field they stood at receiving their medals. The soft look he wore when he was receiving the medal wrecked Demetri everytime he remembered it. It made his stomach fill with butterflies and it always brought a smile to his face.

He was gorgeous.

"Is it too much?" Eli blushed as he hunched over timidly. "Maybe I overdid the-"

"No, Eli." Demetri shook his head as he grabbed the blueprint, scanning it. "It's perfect!"

"It is?" The shy teen scratched the back of his head careful not to ruin his hawk.

"Our Senseis and everyone else will love it!" The taller teen announced joyfully.

"I hope so," Eli muttered pensively. "I want everyone to see that I truly am sorry."

The corners of Demetri's lips droop down.

"I meant what I said," He begins to pull the strings of his hoodie anxiously. "I really am sorry for all the horrible shit I did. I will never do it again and if I could take it back I would."

"I know, Eli." Demetri places his hand on Eli's shoulder. "I believe you and I'm sure after this everyone will too."

They exchange smiles and before Demetri could say more he was met with a surprise. Eli wrapped his arms around him tightly, burying his face into his chest. Now more than ever did Demetri crave to place his lips on the other's smaller ones. He knew it was wrong, beyond wrong. Especially now that he was dating Yasmine. Demetri's stomach was turning and he knew if he could see himself, he'd look like a lovesick loser. Like some dumb lovestruck cartoon, he could practically see the hearts floating around his head. His heart was swelling with each passing second they held onto each other. Ever since Eli had returned he can't push any of his strange feelings away. Before he had turned into Hawk, it was already hard enough to control them but now it was ten times harder.

Demetri soon came back to his senses and mentally shook the thoughts away. He's your best friend , he thought, besides, you have Yasmine.

"Deme?" Eli mumbles against the other teen.

"Yes?" He looks down at Eli whose hiding his face.

"I m-missed you." He further pushes against Demetri. "Th-thank you for forgiving me."

If hearts could pop then Demetri's heart was a piece of gum in Eli's mouth. Instinctively he squeezes the smaller male almost scared to lose him once more.

"Don't leave me." Demetri pulls away lifting Eli's head up with his index finger on his chin. "This time if you do I'm going to find you with or without the use of karate." The soft hearted threat made Eli chuckle. "Laugh all you want but I'm not taking no for an answer this time. Ultimately you are stuck with me for life."

Eli feels his face redden from embarrassment. "I don't mind that, Deme."

"You better not."

"I promise I don't mind and I won't leave you."

"It's a promise." Demetri extends both of his pinkies.

"Double promise." Eli smiles intertwining his pinky fingers with his before bringing their dumbs together.

"So if you break it. You get double punishment."

"I know, Deme. I know."

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