1. Get your hands dirty

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I stand up from the wet and cold cement floor and I look into his eyes he looks like he could shit his pants at any given moment which makes me chuckle slightly, he's going to have a great night 

"Please don't kill me" he cries and I throw my head back and laugh at his begging, usually I would like that for men to beg for me but not this rapist asshole, he's going to die, and it's for a good reason 

"do you like messing with little girls, ben?" I ask with a cold tone and I walk towards his tied up body 

he tries to turn his head away and I grab his chin to face me and I smile

I feel his hot breath as I inch towards him and I grab the knife out of my sleeve and I pull it towards his cheek 

"answer me, sweetie" I give him an evil smile and he closes his eyes and I see his tears fall 

"don't cry sweet pea, answer the question" I bite my cheek and he mumbles 

"no, I don't"

"don't lie ben, now we all know you like fondling with 14-year-olds" I push his head back and it hits the back of the chair

I turn around to face him and I sit back down on the floor 

I twist my knife on the concrete floor of the cellar and I hear his whimpers which gives me more power

"could you not handle fucking women or could you not get them to fuck you, which one is it?" I ask and he grunts obviously getting angrier with me, I hope he snaps it will make it more fun for me to rip his head off 

People make me mad in general but rapists make me the worst level of mad I could be on, for reasons

I hear him grunt again and I look up at him I see his wrists move against the rope I tied him up in 

"oh no sweetie your not getting out" I laugh and he grunts again 

"answer my question, is your dick not big enough for a woman to be satisfied?" I ask and his breathing gets heavier

I laugh harder and I stand up again

I walk over to him slowly and he flinches when I fake a punch towards him 

I know I'm probably doing too much but what's the fun in being boring 

If I'm going to kill someone why not make them suffer the most they can possibly be 

he cries out and I put elbows on his legs

I put my face in my hands and I look at him 

"Answer my fucking question" I talk slowly so he gets that I'm not joking this time 

he makes eye contact with me and he takes a deep breath, his tears falling and I lift my hand to his face and I wipe his cheek out of the kindness of my black heart 

"I don't know why I rape girls" he mumbles and my face goes from smiling to pissed off 

how could someone not know why they are giving a person a lifetime full of trauma 

I grip the knife in my hand and I tilt my head 

"that's not a good answer princess" I shake my head and I stab the knife into his Adam's apple and he screams in pain which fuels my control 

I stand up and I take the knife out of his throat 

"damn it you got blood all over my fucking knife you bitch" I roll my eyes and I throw my head back 

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