38. A Ball

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Theme for todays chapter, Kentucky Part 2

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Theme for todays chapter, Kentucky Part 2



I was dancing in the rain

I felt alive, and I can't complain


We got back to the hotel about an hour ago, I called my father with everyone and Blaze and Louis lead the conversation while I sat in the back, I don't think I could tell him without crying again and I don't need anymore crying

My father wasn't shocked at the events of what happened today, he told up we needed to prepare for tomorrow's event, we don't know who we will see. he asked to talk to me but I told Blaze no, I don't think I could face him with the shit I saw

He told us to call him before the ball and that he would send makeup artists and stylists to our motel to get us ready in the afternoon, way to not bring anymore attention to us

Everyone left our room a couple of minutes ago they said they were going out to eat. I decided to stay back and lay in the bed. I told Harry he should go and get something eat with them but he said there's not a chance he would leave me alone right now, he gave Blaze our orders to bring up back something from wherever they go

Right now I'm sitting on the king sized bed in the middle of our room, Harry's looking over the letter and envelop from earlier today, he looks stressed as well I think everyone is, I do feel like it's my fault I mean they are coming after me

I'm nervous for tomorrow, I don't want anyone getting hurt or suffering because of me. I don't think I could live with myself if another one of my friends died because of me, I didn't know Liam died because of me until Saturday at the club, that's when I pieced it all together

"Tate?" I hear from the desk in front of me, I snap out of it and I see harry looking at me with his concern look

"hm yea?" I ask him, I notice him stand up from the desk, he sits on the edge of the bed

I pull the comforter over myself and he touches my knee, "what's going through that brain of yours?" he asks and I smile lightly, how would I tell him this

"Just thinking about tomorrow" I shrug looking down at the white comforter, I respond trying to be cool about this

"are you nervous?" he asks taking the thoughts from my head

"I think so, I just don't want any of you guys to get hurt" I look in his eyes and he shakes his head

"you can't think about us, we can hold our own. that's what we were trained to do sunshine" he says and I listen trying to cool myself down

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